This post is designed to provide an extensive but not comprehensive list of articles from Pulpit & Pen documenting SBC leaders pushing so-called “Social Justice” upon its membership. It is designed to be simple and straight-forward.
The Problem: Social Justice is a term invented by South American Roman Catholic Priests and the churches affiliated with the World Council of Churches, combining Marxist ideology with Christian theology. It does not simply imply “doing justice.” It is a politically-loaded term with a well-established history and non-conspiratorial and verified founding in deeply unChristian ideas.
The Claim: We assert that Southern Baptists would never have been promoting the type of leftist ideology they are now promoting if it weren’t for a fundamental shift in focus away from the Gospel and toward cultural appeasement. We believe this movement has been lead by SBC entity heads and “influencers” who are enamored with worldliness.
The Solution: The solution is for Southern Baptists to focus on preaching the Gospel, wrapped in a Biblical worldview. Idealogues and the propaganda being pushed by Southern Baptist elites must be rejected by believers in the pew. SBC churches need to leave (or stop cooperating) with the SBC until its leaders come to repentance.
The following links provide the evidence of how far leftward the SBC has gone politically, and how they have fully embraced Social Justice ideas that come from “vain philosophy and empty deceit” that the Apostle Paul warned us about.
Every link goes to a P&P article, and every P&P article contains hyperlinks to original and primary sources that substantiate our claims. Where necessary, screenshots are provided.
Critics might say, “These all go back to Pulpit & Pen. I want a different source.” We cannot emphasize enough to click on the links provided in each article, and they will take you to an outside primary source. All it will take is a few clicks of your mouse. This research is being handed to you on a silver platter. You just need to click.
Titles may be changed for the sake of brevity or clarity.
Also, please keep in mind these links are not comprehensive. There are far, far more in the archives of Pulpit & Pen.
Finally, not all links may be about a Southern Baptist leader. Some may take you to articles about leaders of other organizations, like The Gospel Coalition. Please understand the connection between these organizations. like the mutual boards, contributors, speakers, and writers between TGC and the Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC. Or, the article might be provided because its content addresses Southern Baptists, even if the title does not.
Social Justice Leaders Freak Out Over Documentary Citing Their Own Words
Four SBC Presidents Chide Founders for Causing Disunity
SBC Elites Angry at Documentary Exposing Identity Politics in the Church
DNC Hiring Social Justice Pastors to Win 2020 Election
The Social Justice Dark Money that is Funding SEBTS
Al Mohler Removed from Ligonier for Social Justice Stance
Tim Keller Demanding Social Justice in the Name of John Calvin
Tim Keller Trashes Dallas Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel
Woke SBC Seminary Now Offering Degree in Social Justice
Mohler Loses Cool at ShepCon Q&A, Refuses to Have Fruitful Discussion on Social Justice
David Platt Adds Social Justice to the Great Commission
SEBTS Student Whistleblower Tells-All About Social Justice Takeover at Seminary
Russell Moore Compares Dallas Statement Signers to Racists, Bigots
Albert Mohler’s Social Justice Blacklist
Russell Moore Likes Tweet Calling Social Justice Statement “Stupid”
Ed Stetzer Attacks John MacArthur Over Social Justice
Social Justice Groups, 9Marx and TGC Throw Hissy Over VP Pence Appearing At SBC Annual Meeting
Video on How Soros Rents Evangelicals to Push Social Justice
Social Justice Hijacking of Evangelicalism
SBC Annual Convention a Tribute to Social Justice and Political Correctness
Jonathan Merritt Says Legalizing Marijuana is a Social Justice Issue
Baptists Promote Abortion as Social Justice Issue
9Marx Mark Dever and Fabian Socialists
JD Greear Confuses “Justice” and Mercy in Sermon
SBC Tries to Silence Criticism in Social Media, in Ramp-Up of Social Justice Promotion
Thabiti Anyabwile Wants Ecumenical Council on “Racial Justice”
Why We Call it The Social Gospel Coalition
ERLC Promotes “Racial Justice” Sunday
Russell Moore Partnering with the NAR to Promote Social Justice
Russell Moore: Advancing Socialism Starts with the Church
Matt Chandler and the Unbearable Weight of Wokeness
SEBTS Dean, Brent Aucoin, Makes Fake Twitter Account to Attack Social Justice Opponents
TGC Doesn’t Want You to Vote For Trump: We Get It
Beth Moore Deletes Anti-Homosexual Material from Past Writing
Feminist CRT Books Sold by SEBTS
TGC Reinforces Redefinition of ‘Complementarian’
Steve Deace Rips Russell Moore Over His Open Borders Immigration Beliefs
Jerry Falwell Jr Rips Russell Moore Over His Open Borders Immigration Beliefs
While Defending Social Justice Stances, Beth Moore Attacks “Doctrinal Purity”
When Pressed, Beth Moore Chooses Not to Say Homosexuality is a Sin
SEBTS Secretly Scrubs Critical Race Theory from Website
How the SBC Just Endorsed Marxism (in Resolution 9)
2019 SBC Convention Off to a Woke Start
Disagreeing with Beth Moore is “Cyber-Bullying” Say Her SJW Allies
SBC Employee, Jared Wilson, Absurdly Wonders if Whitefield was Really a Christian
Beth Moore’s Journey from SBC Bible Study Teacher to Full-Blown Feminist
Detailed Proof Critical Race Theory Has Taken Over SEBTS
Joe Carter (Works for Both TGC and ERLC) Says “Cultural Marxism” is Racist Term
SEBTS Says White People Adopt Black Babies Because They’re Racist
Baptist Paper Says It’s Anti-Semitic to Criticize George Soros
SEBTS Says White Ministers Shouldn’t Pastor Minority Churches
9Marx, SBC Leaders Speak at Cultural Marxism Conference
Ligon Duncan (TGC Board Member) Promotes Gay Priest at Q&A
Southern Baptists Align with Gay Priest
Thabiti Anyabwile Promotes Gun-Grabbing
Eric Mason Blames Black Abortions on White People
Dave Miller at ERLC Accuses SBC of Racism
Russell Moore Silent on Trump’s Defense of the Unborn
Jackie Hill Perry Agrees with Lesbian Friend the Church Hurts Gay People
Thabiti Anyabwile Hijacks Pro-Life Movement to Push Social Justice at SBC Seminary
SBTS Slavery Report Results in Racial Disunity
Mohler’s Racial Pandering Backfires
Karen Prior Starts Feminist Women’s Ministry Group
Tim Keller Russell Moore, Trying to Move Evangelicals into Democrat Fold
Former SBC VP Calls for Affirmative Action in Denominational Hiring
SBC Seminary Promotes Critical Race Theory in 6-Part Series
Matt Chandler Says Evangelicals “Lose Their Soul” By Voting for Trump
Jemar Tisby Calls for Boycott Against Dallas Statement Signers
ERLC Continues to Promote Leftists
Gay-Affirming ERLC Research Fellow Affirms Gay-Affirming Revoice Conference
Even Catholics Notice SBC Softened Stance on Homosexuality
Thabiti Anyabwile Would Rather Abortion Be Legal than Support Trump
Karen Prior Glib About Eating with Planned Parenthood
Wider Christianity is Noticing SBC’s Hard-Left Turn
Russell Moore Argues Against Secure Borders Immigration Policies
ERLC has Reporter Tossed By Police for Asking About Gay-Affirming Conference
Danny Akin and SEBTS Threaten Faculty with Sensitivity Training and Firing for Not Being ‘Woke’
SBC Leaders Float Idea of Beth Moore as Next SBC President
Kyle J. Howard Says Calling Someone ‘Cultural Marxist’ is Like Calling Them a [N-Word]
Beth Moore Supports Pro-Gay Jen Hatmaker’s Baptism by Gay Episcopal Priest
SBC Launches Race-Based Affirmative Action Hiring Database
Ed Stetzer Ignores Voice of Black Christians
TGC Excludes White Women From Ladies’ Conference
Denominational Leaders Gather at Wheaton to Brainstorm How to Make Evangelicals Vote Democrat
Thabiti Anyabwile Says All White People Are Complicit in Murdering Dr. King
How Clinton’s Globalist Financier, James Riady, is Funding SBC Entities, TGC, Etc
SEBTS Holds ‘Malcolm X Read-In” Event
Obama Staffer Now Writing for TGC
Russell Moore Says “Pro-Life” Position is About Immigration
Pastor Exposes Evangelical Deep State; Ed Stetzer Loses It
ERLC Cries Foul About DACA, Decries Immigration Laws
Jemar Tisby Wants Less Racial Integration in Churches, More Division
ERLC Trustee Chair’s Church Promotes Identity Politics
Matt Chandler Enabling Radical Islamic Group
Chandler’s Village Church Promotes Animal Rights Activist, Karen Prior
How the ERLC and TGC Have Merged Into One
Russell Moore Advocates for Mosques
Thabiti Anyabwile Endorses Bernie Sanders is Democratic Primary
ERLC’s Karen Prior Says Abortion Isn’t Murder, Defends Abortionists
Ed Stetzer to Speak at Evangelical-Muslim Interfaith Worship Event
The ERLC’s Progressivism, As Seen by Karen Prior
New ERLC Hire Member of Progressive Baptist Denomination
SEBTS President Promotes Atheist Group
Russell Moore Praises Pope, Illegal Immigration, Environmentalism
AOC and Woke Evangelicals Have Same Talking Points
JD Greear Says Voting for Democrats in 2020 is ‘Great’
Thabiti Anyabwile Pursues Slave Reparations
Russell Moore Signs ‘Common Ground’ Statement with Muslim Leaders
Gospel Coalition Says You Need to Give Away Your Wealth to Be ‘Just’
Karen Prior Promotes Illegal Immigration
ERLC’s Joe Carter Attacks Roy Moore But Defends MLK
The Long History of Russell Moore’s Break with Southern Baptist Values
TGC Claims Black Lives Matter is a New Civil Rights Movement
Mohler and Karen Prior Refuse to Condemn Black Lives Matter Anti-Cop Movement
ERLC/Joe Carter Attack Kim Davis Instead of Defending Her
Ferguson and the Soft Bigotry of SBC Leaders
Why Did Eric Metaxas Quit Russell Moore’s Evangelical Immigration Table?
How Russell Moore is Causing the Border Crisis He’s Complaining About
Don’t Be Fooled by Russell Moore’s Video on Socialism
Absent from Abortion Fight, Russell Moore Focuses on Aliens and Conspiracy Theories
Russell Moore Says We’ll Be Ashamed of Trump’s Immigration Policies
Russell Moore Says Masculinity and Feminity Fuel Transgenderism
Russell Moore Says ‘Blackface’ is As Bad as Abortion
Russell Moore Joins Event with Nancy Pelosi
Russell Moore Says Rights Are Never Absolute
Russell Moore Takes Pelosi’s Side in Immigration Debate
Wikipedia Correctly Notes Russell Moore is a Communitarian
Russell Moore Goes on CNN to Complain About Immigration Law
Russell Moore Joins with George Soros to Promote Immigration Lawlessness
Russell Moore Named Pro-Sodomy Author Eugene Peterson as His Favorite
Russell Moore Condemns ‘White Lives Matter’ But Not ‘Black Lives Matter’
Russell Moore Speaks At Conference Promoting Wealth Redistribution
George Soros and Russell Moore Team Up to Bash Trump on Immigration
Russell Moore Says Southern Baptists Disagree with Trump on Immigration Policy
Russell Moore Promotes Muslim-Christian Interfaith Prayer
Russell Moore Defends His Promotion of Mosque-Building
HuffPo Recognizes Russell Moore as a “Moderate”
Russell Moore Called “Open Border Zealot” By Major Publication, His Soros Connections Examined
Russell Moore Calls Border Wall a “Golden Calf,” Likens it to Idolatry
Republican Senator Calls out Russell Moore On His Leftist Politics
Major Newspapers Says Russell Moore “Shifts His Posture” On Gays
Russell Moore Says Folks Who Are Against Illegal Immigration Will (Somehow) Become Pro-Choice, Too
Russell Moore Says He’s Unsure of His Own and Pope Francis’ Focus
Russell Moore Dodges Question About Jesus Being Illegal Alien
Russell Moore Defends Mosque Construction
Karen Prior Edits Books with Pro-Gay Views
Jonathan Merritt Comes Out in Support of Drag Queen Story Time
Joe Carter Calls for Impeachment of Trump
SBC’s Gay Priest: Sanctification Does Not Require Heterosexuality
SBC’s Gay Priest Offers Praise for Bolz-Weber’s Purity Ring Genitals Statue
Kyle J. Howard Says “Republicans Are Party of White Supremacy”
Kyle J. Howard Says White People Have False God; Black People the True God
SBC’s Gay BFF, Sam Allberry, Promotes Child Adoption of “Non-Traditional” Families
ERLC-Backed Evangelical Group Supports “Gay Rights”
Virtue Signaling Southern Baptists Apologize for Slavery for the 1,394th Time
Gay Preist at Southern Baptist Event
SBC Executive Committee Shuts Down Criticism of ‘Woke’ Leaders
ERLC and Albert Mohler Redefining “Family” to Be More LGBTQ Inclusive
ERLC Posts Ridiculous Animal Rights Video, Claims it Was An Accident After Outrage
Evangelical Leaders Assisting Soros’ Takeover of America
ERLC’S Karen Swallow Still Gay Affirming
ERLC Leads Fight to Continue Chain Migration
ERLC Tweets Out Support and Link to Soros’ Website
Major Theological Errors in ERLC’s Statement on Immigration
If you have any questions about any individual in particular, please type their name in the search function of P&P. If you would like to help us fight Social Justice, click here.