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Sam Allberry Retweets Praise for Article Lauding Nadia Bolz-Weber’s Purity Ring Vagina Statue

News Division

Sam Allberry, the gay priest promoted by The Gospel Coalition and SBC officials

The gay priest who writes for The Gospel Coalition (where he is also an editor) and regularly teams up with SBC leaders like Russell Moore, Danny Akin, and Jason Allen, retweeted praise earlier this month for an article lauding Nadia Bolz-Weber’s infamous ‘vagina statue.’

The gay priest in question, Sam Allberry, was also recently endorsed by Reformed Theological Seminary president, Ligon Duncan. Other New Calvinist leaders like Albert Mohler, HB Charles, and Mark Dever also serve on The Gospel Coalition council where the homosexual’s work is heavily publicized and promoted.

As RC writes at Reformation Charlotte:

Led by a gay Anglican priest, Sam Allberry, [Allberry’s ministry, Living Out] has made deep inroads into the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) as well as the Prebyterian Church in America (PCA). Through its various partnerships with outlests such as The Gospel Coalition and the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Living Out has effectively introduced an entirely new dogma on homosexuality that would have the Apostles turning over in their graves.

Allberry retweeted Glen Scrivener, who was praising the Christianity Today article that defends the vagina idol made by notorious foul-mouthed and butch ‘pastor,’ Nadia Bolz-Weber.

We first wrote about Bolz-Weber’s desire to melt down ‘purity rings’ into the shape of a woman’s genitalia and gift it to pro-abortion feminist, Gloria Steinem in an article on February 19, 2018. We also wrote about Bolz-Weber following through on that promise in an article on November 29, 2018.

Gloria Steinem (left) receives the feminist and anti-purity vagina statue from Bolz Weber (right), who has an image of Jesus emblazened across her belt buckle.

Essentially, the story is that the Wookie-resembling bull-dyke (that’s a description she uses for herself) hates the purity movement and – having a ministry designed primarily to convince lost people they don’t need Jesus – the walking abomination and tribade decided to solicit purity rings from promiscuous women to melt them down and craft a vagina.

One might imagine that Christians with a Biblical worldview would be shocked by the affair, if they weren’t already aware of Bolz-Weber’s history of profaning the sacred.

However, Christianity Today posted an article in February defending Bolz-Weber, claiming that church history has included similar vagina statues before (a far-reaching claim, I know). The author, Tish Harrison Warren, argued that baptismal fonts as early as the 4th Century were built in the shape of a vagina to be a metaphor of what it’s like to be ‘born again.’ Warren’s point is that the architects of such baptismal fonts weren’t intentionally blasphemous, and so Bolz-Weber’s design isn’t necessarily feminist. Of course, she gifted it to a famous feminist, but reasoning seems lost on Warren and the editorial staff of Christianity Today.

Warren writes:

Both Bolz-Weber’s statue and early church yonic fonts remind us of the sacred beauty of female sexuality. Both seem transgressive in their own way. But the aim of ancient ecclesial art forms is not transgression but transformation, the radical obedience made possible by grace alone.

This article was then tweeted by Glen Scrivener, who is also an author at The Gospel Coalition. Scrivener’s words on his tweet said (as you can see above), “So. Much. Sanity. I love this:”

Allberry retweeted him (also as you can see above).

Sam Allberry is a dangerous, pro-homosexual change agent inside evangelicalism. While he claims to be celibate, his sexual ethic is queer as a three dollar bill.

Be forewarned.

[Editor’s Note: This tweet was earlier in the month, but we wanted to post on it before it went down the memory hole.]