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The Rise of Progressive Christianity

No one ever believes they’re on the wrong side of a war – that they’re the devil’s minions. That’s kind of how the whole deception works. You’re always the hero of the war you wage.  In the famous Mitchell and Webb comedy skit that has been turned into multiple animated GIFs, it depicts two Nazi … Read more

Founders Min. Blogger Defends Furtick, Says ‘Faith and Message’ Doesn’t Forbid Modalism

How bad can the Southern Baptist Downgrade get? Defending Steven Furtick, a blogger for Founders Ministries claimed on social media today that Modalism isn’t forbidden by the Baptist Faith and Message, the denomination’s statement of faith. Chris Bolt, an avid defender of the gay-affirming and abortionist-defending Karen Swallow Prior, made the comments on Twitter. Bolt … Read more

Dordt University, Bastion of Christian Education, Surrenders to LGBTQ

Robert Taylor

Dordt University has joined the list of “conservative” colleges collapsing into compromise. Dordt is a private Christian Reformed school in Sioux Center, Iowa. To many within the Dutch Reformed world, and especially those connected with Christian education, Dordt is seen as a bastion of conservative thought and a bulwark of orthodox conviction. But, as the … Read more

Christians Are Not Capable of ‘Feelin’ the Bern’

Bernie Sanders

If you are a new creation, the old thieving, lying, bullying, baby-killing, state-worshipping ways are gone. But that is not what the leftists at The Gospel Coalition seem to think. TGC is once again trying to turn voting for Democrats into a disputable issue. In a new article entitled “We Need Prophets, Not Partisans,” Brett McCracken … Read more

Charismatic Prophet (Another One) Claims Christians Are Immune to Coronavirus

Pulpit & Pen is working overtime trying to document the dumb, dangerous charismatic claims regarding coronavirus or COVID-19. It’s getting hard to keep up with. Shawn Bolz prophesying an end of coronavirus (right before a half-dozen dropped dead in Washington state), Rodney Howard Browne promising to bind coronavirus from the United States (again, it’s growing), Jim Bakker claiming his venereal disease … Read more

China Harvesting Organs of Christians in Jail

Pulpit & Pen first brought to reporting regarding China’s human rights abuses that include harvesting the organs of Christians in prison for medical research and organ transplant back in September of last year. According to a finding yesterday by the Independent People’s Tribunal in London, China is continuing the practice. The tribunal was chaired by … Read more

Beth Moore Says ‘Christlike Manhood’ Means Being Alone with Women

Beth Moore is basically the woman that men live on their housetops to avoid (Proverbs 21:9). She’s a dangerous and strange woman (Proverbs 5:3-23). Beth Moore is the silly wives-tale spinning busy-body the Bible warns Christians to avoid (1 Timothy 4:7). The domineering, tongue-rattling, leg-hiking, feminist evangelical icon is apparently trying to undo age-old advice … Read more

Pope Says Capitalism Crucifies Christ in Lenten Message

Environmentalism is a religion, with the Earth itself serving as Lord and Savior of mankind. Pope Francis appears to be all-in on the cult of Earth-worship, claiming that when people harm the Earth they’re actually placing wounds on Jesus. He also claimed that Christ is crucified by an improper distribution of wealth. While avoiding topics … Read more

Christianity Today Claims Polyamory Provides “Attractive Alternative” and Churches Should Be Affirming

You might be wondering if Christianity Today has much time left for other things besides campaigning against Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential bid. It turns out, they do. The left-of-center evangelical publication also recently ran an article by a gay man claiming that polyamory is loving and churches should be “affirming” of those who practice it. … Read more

After Claiming Believers Can’t Support Trump, Buttigieg’s Christian Brother-in-Law Rebukes Him

Pete Buttigieg, a fabulously homosexual candidate for president in the Democratic primary, made news this week when he showed bewilderment that any Christian believer could vote for President Trump. We wrote about this in the article, Gay Candidate Says He Can’t Figure Out How Christians Support Trump. A fan and friend of liberal Baptist former … Read more

Founders Ministries Contributor Refers to Woke Leftists as “Progressive Conservatives”

In Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, the antagonist “Big Brother” invents a new language because the rulers know that if they control language they can control thoughts. “After all, what justification is there for a word which is simply the opposite of some other word? A word contains its opposite in itself. Take ‘good’, for instance. … Read more

ERLC Has Obama Strategist Lecture Christians On Politics…AGAIN!

On the day following outrage on the part of Southern Baptist leaders (JD Greear, Albert Mohler, and Ronnie Floyd) who insisted the SBC isn’t drifting left, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) again used an Obama campaign strategist and Democrat staffer to lecture evangelicals on being civil in politics. Just to recap, Obama – … Read more