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Obama Blames Terror on Christians At Prayer Breakfast

Former U.S. President, Barack Obama, used his time at the National Prayer Breakfast to blame Islamic terrorism on professing Christians in Europe dating back to the year 1096. The Crusades, a series of wars between Europe – led by the Roman Church – and the Turks in response to Islamic aggression, is what is causing … Read more

Christianity Today Uses Pretend Pronouns to Appease LGBTQ+

When Christianity Today editor, Mark Galli, endorsed Trump’s removal from office he did so after claiming he didn’t know a single Trump supporter but presumed they were all “jobless” and “uneducated.” As the publication becomes increasingly post-Christian it is steering further and further to the left. The 8th Commandment commands us not to lie and … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Claims Christians are Immune to Coronavirus

Charismatic prophets are regularly “decreeing and declaring” nonsense crackpottery into the air, but sometimes they give health advice that’s downright dangerous. Gloria Copeland famously claimed that believers have “Holy Spirit flu vaccines,” before backtracking and having to “clarify” she wasn’t saying believers shouldn’t get real vaccines per se. And now, a prominent charismatic prophet claims … Read more

Beth Moore and Christine Caine March Around Hospital 7 Times With Anointing Oil

Beth Moore and Hillsong-affiliated “Pastor” Christine Caine (who says Joyce Meyer is her spiritual mother) showed up to the hospital during Priscilla Shier’s surgery and marched around it seven times, like the Hebrews marched around Jericho (the hospital did not crumble down, thankfully). They also prayed throughout the halls with “anointing oil.” Caine is a … Read more

SBC Leader Insinuates Alternative Christian Media is ‘Terrorism’

The Capstone Report, which ordinarily has stellar reporting, made an error last week. Without further substantiating the story, the publication asked whether or not Midwestern Seminary President, Jason Allen, had lobbied the governor of Missouri for additional refugee settlements. Indeed, it’s something Allen would certainly do (he’s on record in this regard), but the specific … Read more

Gone to Hell: ‘Founders Ministries’ Teams Up With Notorious Leftist Blogger

Apparently, when Founders Ministries was beaten like a red-headed stepchild over the inclusion of Rachael Denhollander in their documentary trailer last year, the sense was knocked completely out of them. Taken to the woodshed by the SBC’s most compromised, soulless leaders, many hoped that Ascol’s Founders Ministries would stand firm. In the wake of half … Read more

Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians

Today Founders Ministries began a 5-part series entitled Revisiting Revoice. It assesses a political and theological battle dividing the PCA and now affecting the Southern Baptist Convention. Churches and denominations continue to divide on how to handle the topic of Same-Sex-Attraction. In recent months, Pulpit & Pen writers have contributed to the discussion by bringing … Read more

The Worst Christian of 2019

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who is the worst Christian of 2019? On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do … Read more

On Christmas Eve, United Nations Said Motherhood was a “Penalty”

On Christmas Eve, which is the evening that commemorates when Mary’s birth-pains with the Christ-child were no doubt beginning, the United Nations tweeted out that motherhood is a “penalty” for women. The tweet mentioned the ‘downside’ to rearing children including more unpaid care and ‘domestic’ work, reduced employment (the horror), gender-based occupational segregation, and gender … Read more

Kanye West Released ANOTHER Gospel Album on Christmas Day

A disappointment to many searching for signs of West’s true conversion after recently partnering in ministry with that Cheshire Cat-smiling, Jerry-curled mullet-wearing devil-in-the-flesh, Joel Osteen, Kanye West has released a new Christmas oriented gospel album entitled ‘Jesus is Born.’ The pace at which West is producing Christian music is blisteringly fast and surprised many with … Read more

Hillsong’s Christmas Flesh Parade Continues

Hillsong is incorrigibly lascivious and they put their worldliness on display each Christmas season by productions that are a unique vaguely theistic blend between Cirque de Soleil and a Victoria’s Secret runway show. This year is no exception, as Bobbie Houston’s Instagram reveals. Houston posted the photos of barely clad dancers and body contortionists on … Read more