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Pope Uses Christmas Address to Praise Immigrants Instead of Jesus

Pope Francis used his Christmas address to praise and glorify illegal immigrants. On a day typically reserved to set politics aside and remember the Christ-child’s birth, the first pope belonging to the Jesuit Order preached Liberation Theology instead of the traditional Christmas narrative. Liberation Theology, born out of the Communist Revolution in South America and … Read more

A Contrary View of Christmas from AW Pink

Not all good Bible teachers believe Christmas should be celebrated. Although we are not in agreement at Pulpit & Pen with the ‘sinfulness’ of Christmas, we certainly respect others to retain the opinion and are open to hearing their arguments. Consider the following from renown 20th Century theologian, A.W. Pink. He wrote as follows: “Thus … Read more

The Heartwarming Tale of the Christmas Truce of 1914

The Christmas Truce occurred on and around Christmas Day 1914, when the sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded in a number of places along the Western Front during World War I in favor of holiday celebrations. During the unofficial ceasefire, soldiers on both sides of the conflict emerged from the trenches and shared … Read more

Presents and Punches: A Christmas Sermon from JD Hall

This 2014 message entitled ‘Presents and Punches‘ deals with the original “Saint Nick” and his hatred of heresy. Drawing from historical accounts and the real meaning of Christmas, JD Hall explains how we ought to celebrate the birth of Christ and how we should think about Saint Nick if we think about him at all. … Read more

John Calvin and Christmas

John Calvin celebrated Christmas but did not believe that he or anyone else should be forced to observe the day, which is often associated with pagan traditions of popery. This is Calvin’s response to the issue… “Now, I see here today more people that I am accustomed to having at the sermon. Why is that? … Read more

Spurgeon and Christmas

[The Spurgeon Center] It’s true. Charles Spurgeon had a love/hate relationship with Christmas. In seventeenth-century England, Christmas was often associated with moral laxity and splurging. The Puritans resisted the Roman Catholic flavor of the festivities, and so did Spurgeon. Like his predecessors, the preacher often played the Scrooge and humbugged the holiday. “Certainly we do … Read more

Montana High School Says Christian Clubs Are Unconstitutional

[Christian News] BOZEMAN, Mont. — A high school in Montana recently revoked the official status of a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) student group because it viewed the sponsorship as being a violation of the state Constitution. Attorneys representing the group argue that it is wrong to deny FCA equal privileges simply because of its … Read more

Video: Cellphone Company Launches ‘Drag Queen Christmas’ Campaign

Virgin Media, a cellular service company from the United Kingdom is launching a media campaign that highlights a drag queen-themed Christmas celebration. The drag queen’s name is grossly adequate, Cheryl Hole. Yup. It’s real. This is how folks celebrate CHRISTmas…by bringing kids on stage to dance with men in drag. Watch below.

Remember that ‘Christianity Today’ is Backed by George Soros

Christianity Today called for the U.S. Senate to affirm the impeachment of the U.S. House against President Donald J. Trump. As you soak that in, we’ll remind you that it’s already been reported by this publication (and others) that Christianity Today is a Soros front organization. The post, previously mentioned in an earlier article today … Read more

“Christianity Today” Must Be Replaced with Alternative Christian Media

It is time that the evangelical establishment’s flagship publication, Christianity Today, be replaced with alternative Christian media. We have the power, the numbers, and the readership to topple the liberal rag magazine and replace it with something that represents real evangelicals (the type who actually go to church, believe the Bible, and vote Republican). The … Read more

An Open Letter to Christians Using Preferred Pronouns

Dear Christians Who Use Preferred Gender Pronouns, We are seeing many Christians compromise on this important issue. Should we use the preferred gender pronouns for those suffering from confusion, delusion, or deceit about their gender? The Southern Baptist Convention president says yes. The Revoice ‘gay Christian’ lobby says yes. The ‘Reformed’ Rosaria Butterfield says yes. … Read more

Hillsong Continues with Carnal Christmas Displays

[Church Watch Central] How does the Bible proclaim our Saviour’s birth?  In Luke 2:1-20 we read: “In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. … Read more

Nominees: The Worst Christian of 2019

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Worst Christian of the Year

Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2019? Using a number of criteria Pulpit & Pen has identified a list of nominees from a pool of eligible individuals (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox* were not included for consideration).  In … Read more