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School Bullied Into Removing Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Play

An Oklahoma school has dropped the nativity scene from their annual Christmas play after FFRF sent a threatening letter demanding they remove mentions of Jesus from the show or be sued. The horrible Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) strikes again, this time bullying a school into dropping a nativity scene from the third grade Christmas … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Calls Trump a ‘Sex-Offender’

Jonathan Merritt, a prominent journalist for various Christian publications, called President Donald Trump a “sex offender” in a recent tweet. Jonathan Merritt shares certain communicable attributes with three dollar bills. He lives life with one foot in the closet and the other closet on the fabulously gay red carpet. Merritt, who on a scale from … Read more

Santa is ‘Gender Neutral’ Say Liberals, ‘Father Christmas’ is Bigoted Expression

A woman, according to the Plymouth Herald, was recently ridiculed for referring to Santa as “Father Christmas.” Other women eviscerated the housewife in scathing comments, claiming that references to Santa as “he” is offensive to the transgender community. The imaginary character loosely based upon a historic religious figure is known for his long, white beard. … Read more

‘I am Jesus Christ’ Video Game Lets You Play Jesus

No, you don’t get to play Jesus, as though he’s an opponent on a multi-player game (by the way, he would win). You get to play Jesus…as in, role-play as the Son of God. Let’s chalk this up to the list of bad ideas and Second Commandment violations, as though gamers don’t already have a … Read more

Pharmacy Reduces Abortion Pill Prices, Abortion Biz Encourages Women to Stock Up for Christmas

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), an organization that runs many abortion clinics, encouraged women to take advantage of an online pharmacy slashing the price of morning-after pills, stating that they should “stock up” for the Christmas and holiday season. The morning-after pill typically purchased after a consultation with a pharmacist is £26, or $34.16 … Read more

School Principal Bans Christmas Cards Due To ‘Impact On The Environment’

A UK Principal has banned Christmas cards on campus, telling students and parents that it harms the environment. Principal Jonathan Mason of Belton Lane Primary School wrote a letter to parents stressing the impact of Christmas cards on the environment. “I have been approached by a number of children recently who are concerned about the … Read more

Satanic “Snaketivity” Is Now Up at Illinois State Capital for Christmas

One of the problems of religious pluralism – the idea that the United States must treat all religions equally (which is a misreading of the U.S. Constitution) – is that it puts actual honest-to-goodness Satanism on par with Christianity. While the First Amendment’s ‘Establishment Clause’ prevents the United States Congress from establishing a religion (and … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Presidential Candidate Says “Scripture is Inconsistent”

[Christian News Network] In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, who identifies as Episcopalian, asserted that “there’s so many things in Scripture that are inconsistent internally, and you’ve got to decide what sense to make of it.” Buttigieg had been asked what he feels about the contention that so-called “progressive Christians” … Read more

Thanksgiving is a Christian Holiday: Atheists Should Not ‘Culturally Appropriate’ Our Stuff

According to leftists who have been making up the rules in America for the last several years, cultural appropriation is bad. If you are busy signaling your virtue by repenting of your “privilege,” please do not culturally appropriate the holidays of our Christian and Westernized heritage. Cultural appropriation, at times also phrased cultural misappropriation, is the adoption … Read more

Blasphemous 24 Portrait Art Exhibit Depicts Jesus Christ as a Gay Man

A newly republished art exhibit by a homosexual man is shown depicting Jesus Christ as, not shockingly, a homosexual man. The series of paintings is called Passion of the Christ: A Gay Vision. Please note that the Bible forbids any artistic representation of God, as is common in the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox faiths. … Read more

Christian College Refuses to Allow Pro-Life Display on Campus Because People Might Think It’s Pro-Life

Montana’s Rocky Mountain College has denied a student’s request to put up a memorial honoring abortion victims on campus. Emily Krokot, treasurer and secretary for Young Americans For Freedom at Rocky Mountain College, requested to put crosses in the ground to memorialize abortion victims when noted that similar displays were put up to honor the … Read more

New Hampshire Town Renames Christmas “Frost Fest” After Only TWO Complaints

A town in New Hampshire, Durham, has scrubbed all public references to “Christmas” after receiving only two complaints from residents. That’s all it took to can the holiday tradition in the Granite State community. It’s called “tyranny by minority.” It’s when only a few malcontents get their way merely by complaining, and it’s quickly becoming … Read more

Calvin: On the Christian Life

THE LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN. SCRIPTURAL ARGUMENTS EXHORTING TO IT. 1. We have said that the object of regeneration is to bring the life of believers into concord and harmony with the righteousness of God, and so confirm the adoption by which they have been received as sons. But although the law comprehends within … Read more

Hank Hanegraaff’s Son Says His Dad Is Still A Christian (Even Though He Left Christianity)

Hank Hanegraaff left the Christian faith in April of 2017. In joining the Eastern Orthodox cult, Hanegraaff began to worship idols, denied Penal Substitution, no longer believing that Jesus died to pay for his sins. Most egregiously, as an Eastern Orthodox idolater, Hanegraaff deneis Sola Fide, and now believes that he’ll be justified by his … Read more

Montana Students Bully Christian Classmates, Get Their Club Banned for Discrimination

School administrators in Montana agreed that Bozeman High School’s chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes violated the school’s anti-discrimination policy against the LGBTQ and so they decided to discriminate against Christians in the name of anti-discrimination. Painted as heroes of inclusion in The Bozeman Daily Chronicle, four mean-spirited girls repeatedly complained to faculty and eventually … Read more