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‘Christianity Today’ and Stetzer Partner with Soros’ Immigration Invasion

Ed Stetzer of Wheaton College and Christianity Today promoted the George Soros backed Evangelical Immigration Table’s newest Immigration Reform Package. This Immigration Reform plan is based on “restitution,” where illegal aliens are allowed to make payment for their violation of immigration law instead of facing deportation. We reported last week that Southern Baptist theologians and leaders … Read more

Sweet: Mike Pence Steers U.S. Foreign Aid to Middle East Christian Groups (Liberal Freak Out)

Liberals are having a field day with new revelations that Vice President Mike Pence steered U.S. foreign aid money to Christian groups. Everyone with a brain is praising rather than lamenting that fact. TruthDig, ProPublica, and the Friendly Atheist are all lamenting in sackcloth and ashes that new reports reveal that Mike Pence has helped … Read more

Public School Teacher Segregated Classroom By Religion, Ridiculed Conservative Christians

A teacher at the South Johnston High School, Julia Lopp, divided her classroom based on religious beliefs, as well as by their policy stances on abortion and homosexuality. The teacher – who was supposed to be teaching Spanish – then ridiculed the more conservative Christians students. Students were asked whether they had a mental health … Read more

Black “Christian” Website Publishes Ominous Warning to Marcus Hayes Not to Pastor SBC Church

A black news website, Black Christian News Network One, published an anonymous letter warning Marcus Hayes not to pastor First Baptist Church of Naples, Florida. The warning included implied threats to Hayes’ children should he pastor the Southern Baptist congregation. Because he was underqualified according to the job requirements posted on the church’s website, had … Read more

Irony: Christ-Denier, Joshua Harris, Says Trump Supporters Are Ruining Christianity

The same apostate who abandoned Jesus to march at gay pride parades and divorce his wife, and do videos seemingly high on drugs, Joshua Harris, recently claimed that Donald Trump supporters are bad for Christianity. In an interview with HBO’s Axios, Harris claims that “evangelical support for Trump is “incredibly damaging to the Gospel.” Apparently … Read more

Dordt (Christian) University Now Teaching Gender is Determined by Clothing Choice

A Christian University in America’s heartland originally named after the Synod of Dordrecht – an important council of Protestant Reformed history that opposed Arminianism – has apparently adopted a science-fiction view of gender and is now teaching that it is determined by clothing choice rather than God’s immutable decrees as revealed in human biology. There … Read more

“Christian” Fortune Tellers Now Offer Destiny Card Readings

Disavowed by even the false prophets at Bethel Church Redding, the Christalignment movement dresses up tarot cards, fortune telling, and dream interpretation as “Christian” and markets these for $10 a session. It takes only a little understanding of the Bible and of occult practices to see that Christians ought not be soliciting “destiny card readings” … Read more

Christian Radio Owner Posts Photo of Him “Pimping” Prosperity Preachers

Kevin Addell, who runs a network for mostly heretical Word-Faith recently posted a photo of himself dressed as a pimp, with melanin-rich false teachers standing behind him like prostitutes. Somehow, this seems infinitely appropriate. Addell runs The Word Network, which calls itself “the largest African American religious network in the world.” The network hosts Creflo … Read more

Liberation Theology: A New “Christianity” Part 2

In 1959, the Roman Catholic Church, under the leadership of Pope John XXII created Vatican II, one hundred years after Vatican I. The First Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church was the twentieth ecumenical council that took place three centuries after the 1869 Council of Trent. Vatican II was a shock not only to … Read more

Christian School Suspends Admin For Questioning LGBT Agenda

After a Christian school introduced Pride Month to their students and added several LGBT books to the school library, a school administrator questioned the decision and was promptly suspended. 74-year-old Maureen Griffith held the position of governor, a position similar to a school board member in the United States, at Alperton Community School in North … Read more

Pope Francis Denies the Deity of Christ, Says Closest Journalist

Pope Francis’ favorite journalist, to whom he has granted many one-on-one interviews, claimed yesterday in an Italian publication that the Pope has explicitly told the interviewer that he denies that Jesus was divine during his earthly life. Eugenio Scalfari, writing for La Repubblica made the claims that Francis has personally told him that he doesn’t believe … Read more

There is No Black Christianity

It is a common assumption among African American Christians that they are the “Black Church” and that they have unique needs and thereby are distinct from “White Christianity.” Is this a legitimate matter? A prominent spokesman, Kyle J. Howard, has spoken of ethnic matters grounded in history as “African American concerns.” See his article here. … Read more