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TheWitnessBCC writer Ally Henney Embraces Anti-Christian Theology to the Max

Jemar Tisby and his Black Christian Collective have been lecturing non-people of color (POC) for years on racial reconciliation from a biblical perspective. He has been seeking to discuss issues of racism in the Christian church, and the “maladies of whiteness.” What he doesn’t understand is that he has no credibility to speak on the … Read more

Victory in Illinois! Gov. Pritzker Lifts All Restrictions on Churches After Christians Escalate to Supreme Court

Governor J.B Pritzker, the draconian Governor who has been imposing unconstitutional restrictions on churches in the state by forbidding them from opening, has folded his hand and removed all restrictions on churches that had been previously implemented. It is a stunning victory for Elim Romananican Chuch, Pastor Cristian Ionescu, and Logos Baptist Ministries. These two … Read more

Christian Rock Star Renounces Faith, is now an Agnostic

Singer and guitarist Jon Steingard of the Christian pop-punk band Hawk Nelson has announced on Instagram that he has renounced his faith and is now an agnostic. The move comes as a surprise to many fans, as the band has always had an overtly Christian message, with the recent album “Miracles” continuing that trend, and … Read more

Christian Post Takes Beth Moore to Woodshed for Her Liberal Hypocrisy

In a fantastic article today, the Christian Post lambasted wild-eyed prophet and feminist warrior, Beth Moore, for her woefully apparent liberal hypocrisies. The article, written by Laura Murphy, was truly word-candy for America’s conservative evangelicals who have grown tired of her thoughtless liberalisms, moral preenings, and soulless virtue-signaling. Entitled Beth Moore and Double Standards for … Read more

J.D. Hall Rips ‘The Passion of the Christ’ Sequel In Newsweek Interview

The Passion Of The Christ has a sequel on the way, and Newsweek Chief Correspondent Paul Bond reached out to our publisher, J.D. Hall, to get his perspective. In an article titled Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ sequel could alienate evangelicals, Bond gives the history of the 2004 international blockbuster, describes how the director … Read more

President of D. James Kennedy Ministries Blasts SBC, Revoice, PCA, and Christianity Today

In an op-ed that we would have gladly posted here at Pulpit and Pen, Frank Wright, president and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries, warmed the cockles of our hearts when he took to the proverbial woodshed several organizations, entities and ministries that are definitely behaving badly and could using a good whupping. Titled Biblical … Read more

NC Governor Blames Coronavirus Spread on Christians

In 64 AD, the Great Fire of Rome burned down much of the city, including the Circus Maximus. The fire raged for six days. Emperor Nero, reportedly, played away on his violin. Later, he blamed Christians for starting the fires to deflect from his own culpability. Nearly two-thousand years later, during the Great Coronavirus Panic … Read more

Christianity Today Compares Having Church Amid COVID-19 To Snake Handling

In the March 25th editorial for Christianity Today, the progressive rag known for giving a platform to every weird and liberally insidious bent, Editor in Chief Daniel Harrell made some unflattering comparisons and chastened Christians who are still deciding to have church services in these trying times, writing: Even if we do practice stringent hygiene … Read more

Jonathan Merrit, Gay Christian Journalist, Promotes “Theistic Evolution”

Jonathan Merritt, the grown son of megachurch pastor, James Merritt, and a journalist who has become a favorite of the Evangelical Intelligentsia, surprised no one today when he promoted another progressive organization bent on destroying the fundamentals of the faith. It’s not the first wretched thing Jonathan has promoted. He still officially holds to the position that … Read more