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Progressive ‘Christian’ Author Matthew Paul Turner Announces He’s Gay and is Divorcing Wife

Progressive Christian (which is another way of saying non-Christian God-hater) author Matthew Paul Turner has come out of the closet on social media and announced that he’s a homosexual and is divorcing his wife, fellow author Jessica Turner. The former editor of CCM is best known for running the now-defunct blog “Jesus Needs New PR” as … Read more

Disgraced ‘Christian Comedian’ John Crist Returns to Social Media – Is He Back?

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, is seemingly poised for a comeback and ready to rejoin the social media scene after a short sabbatical. Crist, a popular Christain entertainer known for his comedy routines and … Read more

‘Red Letter Christians’ Founder Tony Campolo Recovering From Stroke

A prayer request was posted at Red Letter Christians by Tony Campolo’s family, sharing publicly that the website’s founder, who is 85 years old, had a stroke two weeks ago that left him partially paralyzed the left side of his face and body. The post on the popular progressive website that likely boasts less than 1% … Read more

Kanye West debuts ‘Wash Us In The Blood’ from New Christian album. Music Video Features Extended Twerking

Kanye West debuted his new single, “Wash Us in the Blood” on Tuesday, instantly shooting to the top of the music charts and quickly becoming the #1 trending video on Youtube. Kaye announced the song the day before, also informing that it was the first single from his upcoming new album God’s Country, which will … Read more

NWSL Christian Goaltender Refuses To Take A Knee During National Anthem

In a show of patriotism, leadership and courage, a National Women’s Soccer League player is trending after she refused to take a knee during the National Anthem, even as the rest of her teammates did. Samantha Murphy, a North Carolina Courage player wore a Black Lives Matter shirt during the warmup, and when the announcer at … Read more

Trump Senior Advisor ‘If they try to Cancel Christianity, I will not Bend, Waver or Break’

Jenna Ellis, Senior Legal Advisor to the Trump campaign, has come out and declared that she will be unapologetic in her profession of faith and will not bow the knee to the cancel-culture that may demand she or any Christian renounce their faith. Ellis, who previously served as the director of public policy at the … Read more

Christianity Today Pees on their Audience and Tells Them It’s Raining Over LGBT Rights Ruling

You know, we really didn’t need any more evidence that Christianity Today has crossed over from Christian publication to left-wing political activism. Yet, here comes an article by Daniel Bennet that argues the Bostock v. Clayton County Supreme Court ruling, in which the word “sex” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act applies to sexuality and … Read more

Heretical Church to Remove Robert E. Lee Stained-glass Image Because ‘The Gospel of Christ Jesus Compels Us’

An Idaho church ID has decided to remove a stained glass window in its sanctuary which features Confederate General Robert E. Lee standing next to Abraham Lincoln and George Washinton. The leadership of the “Cathedral of the Rockies” a Pro-LGBTQQIP2SAA, Pro-choice United Methodist Church (ie, not a church at all) announced the change in an … Read more

Christian Monuments Now Being Vandalized in Name of “Pagan Justice”

Justice! Justice! Justice! Such is the shout of a lost world full of chest-thumping God-haters, Babel-builders, and ark-knockers who should be pleading for grace rather than justice (and if the Biblical allusions evade you, bless your heart). Sadly, even evangelical virtue-twerkers are out shouting the slogans of Woke Religionists, taking part in their version of … Read more

Wokeness is a New Religion and Christians Are Converting En Masse

As a student and teacher in the counter-cult movement for many years, I have both studied and taught how new faith-systems spawn from infancy and grow into full-fledged organized religions. It is my assessment, in no uncertain terms, that what America is witnessing is the birth of a new religion that will dwarf all other … Read more

Barna Study: 15% of Christians are ‘Multitasking’ while Streaming Worship Services

We reported last week that almost half of all Christians whose pastors are not having in-person or drive-in services are also not attending online services on Sunday. New polling by the Barna Group shows a rather surprising reality. 48% of churchgoers say they have not watched any church online in the last 4 weeks. Only … Read more

St. John’s Church is Not a Church, The ‘Bishop’ is not a Pastor, and Episcopalians Aren’t Christians

(Don Boys) Left-wingers have their knickers in a knot because President Trump visited vandalized and boarded-up St. John’s Episcopal Church Monday night. He held up a Bible hoping to give Americans assurance that he would keep his word to stop the maiming, rioting, violence, vandalism, and killings. Leftists went ballistic—how dare he stand in front … Read more

Charisma News: ‘Pandemic Masks Speak Prophetically of Attempt to Silence Christians’

Charisma News continues to wax elegant on the woo-woo by declaring that the COVID-19 facemask masks worn to prevent the spread of coronavirus, are in fact a prophetic message from the Lord. The article by “prophetess” Karin Hardin, informs that, “I believe the mandate of mask-wearing speaks prophetically of the call to silence what needs … Read more