“Really what Christ-like service is when [Imam] Omar feels like I’m fighting for the blessing and rights of his family and his rights as much as my own, because that’s what we believe Jesus did” – JD Greear.
The rump-shaking frat-boy president of the Southern Baptist Convention has his skinny jeans on so tight it’s affecting his capacity to remember the Bible, apparently.
Do you remember Jesus fighting for the rights of false religions? Or do you remember Jesus overturning tables? It’s sheer insanity in the SBC these days.
It’s for this reason that JD Greear won the Worst Christian of the Year Award from Pulpit & Pen, which he promptly displayed on social media (he also flashed our article upon the screen at his megachurch).
The most recent remarks from Greear came from Thursday evening at the Veritas Forum last night at N.C. State University. He spoke in an interfaith dialogue with Imam Omar Suleiman. Suleiman is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, and an Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program at SMU (Southern Methodist University). He is also the Resident Scholar at Valley Ranch Islamic Center and Co-Chair Emeritus of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square.
Most importantly, Imam Suleiman is Nancy Pelosi’s favorite Imam. He’s also a raging anti-semite who hates the Jewish people (like Jesus).
He’s called Jews the “enemies of God” and calls for the destruction of Israel. And yet, JD Greear says Jesus would fight for his religious rights.

You can watch Greear’s words (excerpt from Reformation Charlotte) below:

Janet Mefferd characterized this atrocity as “playing footsie with an imam who’s promoted jihad against Israel, called Israel an “apartheid regime” and keynoted a fundraiser for CAIR…”
This isn’t the first time that JD Greear has betrayed Jesus to cozy up to Islamicists. Pulpit & Pen reported in May of 2019 that Greear claimed that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.
Southern Baptist elitists like Russell Moore – who helped to get a Mosque built in New Jersey – consider this “speaking prophetically to our culture.”
If JD Greear is speaking in the spirit of a prophet, it’s the prophet of Balaam.