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‘The View’ Changes Worship Song for Jesus into Anti-Trump Ballad

In celebrated blasphemy, Joy Behar and the ‘ladies’ at The View changed the lyrics to a worship song about Jesus and made it into an anthem calling for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump. Democrats are godless, as their party platform and convention resolutions explicitly testify. Trying to find a legitimately Christian Democrat is like … Read more

Church Leaves SBC Over Beth Moore, JD Greear, and Doctrinal Errors

We are proud of each and every church that leaves the Southern Baptist Convention. Pulpit & Pen received a copy of this letter, sent to the Missouri Baptist Convention, the Jefferson Baptist Association, and the Southern Baptist Convention from the First Baptist Church of Victoria, Missouri. The church, FBC Victoria, has been a member of … Read more

Beth Moore’s Wicked Daughter Calls God’s Promise to Noah “Nonsense”

Beth Moore’s hostile, militant, and recently divorced daughter, Melissa Moore, recently derided a Southern Baptist pastor who reminded the Fox News audience that God promised Noah not to flood the world again. Apparently, Moore thought the Nohaic Covenant is “nonsense.” This follows on the heels of many other angry, leftist tweets from Ms. Melissa Moore … Read more

Federal Judge ‘Overrules’ Missouri Legislature, Says State Can’t Have ‘Heartbeat Law’

A Missouri judge issued an injunction against a Heartbeat Law passed by the Missouri State Legislature because it would “prohibit…patients from receiving abortions.” Obviously, it would. That’s the point.  “One single object… [will merit] the endless gratitude of the society: that of restraining the judges from usurping legislation.” Thomas Jefferson, letter to Edward Livingston, March … Read more

Banned on Amazon: Christian Gay Conversion Books Continue to Disappear

(Joe Dallas) On July 8 my publisher informed me that my book Desires in Conflict, along with a number of other books on overcoming homosexuality by different authors, has been pulled off the catalogue. A gay activist worked for months to convince Amazon to take this action and, bolstered by 80,000 signatures on a … Read more

Charismatic Prophet-Pastor Cited Scripture While Molesting Girl

An Ohio pastor recently admitted in court to citing Scripture to his underaged abuse victim, during his molestation of her. Just as tragically, she was seeing him for counseling due to previous abuse. According to local press outlets near Sharonsville, Ohio, Cesar Guerrero, 38, of Mision Cristiana El Calvario Church (a charismatic Hispanic congregation), was … Read more

Dance Celebrating/Depicting Act of Sodomy Performed in Roman Catholic Church

[LifeSite News] A video now making the rounds on social media shows two scantily clad men performing a homoerotic dance in the magnificent sanctuary of Saint Peter Apostle Church in Montreal.  The two dancers perform to Jeff Buckley’s sexualized adaptation of the song “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen, according to, which first called attention to the … Read more

Texas Court Forbids Dad From Raising His 7-Year-Old Son as a Boy

Jeff Younger’s seven-year-old son is (obviously) a boy. However, Younger’s estranged partner says that their son wants to be a girl, and demanded the court prevent his father from reinforcing the child’s boyhood. The court agreed and told Younger he could not refer to his seven-year-old as his son, do masculine-type things with the boy, … Read more

Bethel Church Weirdos Still “Grave Sucking”

A video has been making its way around social media of yet another person affiliated with Bethel Church in Redding, California “grave-sucking.” The practice includes a charismatic Christian laying upon the grave of a deceased preacher and “sucking the anointing” out of their corpse. Although Bethel denies any association with such practices, those closest to … Read more

Time for Pitchforks and Torches? Judge Rules Missouri’s Last Abortion Clinic Can Stay Open, Even Without a License

A St. Louis Circuit Judge named Michael Stelzer has extended a preliminary injunction allowing a St. Louis abortion clinic to continue murdering infants in spite of the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services having pulled the facility’s license because of its track-record of hurting women. The abortion clinic’s license expired at the end of … Read more