We are proud of each and every church that leaves the Southern Baptist Convention. Pulpit & Pen received a copy of this letter, sent to the Missouri Baptist Convention, the Jefferson Baptist Association, and the Southern Baptist Convention from the First Baptist Church of Victoria, Missouri.
The church, FBC Victoria, has been a member of the SBC for over fifty years. However, they have not financially supported the Cooperative Program of the SBC since 2017 because of the various sin issues, compromises, and general Downgrade as reported daily on this website (as well as in many other places).
Because they could not in good conscience support such a wicked organization as the SBC, the church did not send them money. They were then threatened with dismissal from the Missouri Baptist Convention, and this was their response.

The list of grievances toward the SBC, on behalf of FBC Victoria, include the advance of females in leadership, heresy in seminaries, charismaticism and “speaking in tongues,” and Freemason pastors and deacons.

As you can see (above), the letter also lines out the SBC’s support for Beth Moore and her endorsement of Joyce Meyer, the error of tongues, and troublesome statements from JD Greear about homosexuality.

The church said that the SBC had “gone the way of Balaam seeking monetary gain over holiness and righteousness.” They then cited Ephesians 5:11, 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, which all deal with separation from ungodly wickedness.
They ended by saying, “…the First Baptist church of Victoria is formally and publically resigning from affiliation with all entities of the SBC, MBC, and JBA effective immediately. Please remove our name and any information about us which may appear to relate our church to any Southern Baptist entity.

The letter was signed by Rev. Bruce Tegg, the chairman of deacons, and two others in the deacon body.
The church is one of the hundreds that Pulpit & Pen is aware of who have left the SBC and/or stopped funding it over issues relating to corruption, the ERLC, Lifeway, charismaticism, or Social Justice.