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Planned Parenthood Clinic Injures Three Women in Five Days

On Thursday October 3, 2019, two ambulances were called to the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood abortion facility after a woman suffered from unknown aliments and injuries. The next accident happened on Saturday October 5th, 2019. According to witnesses, the 19-year-old woman had been at the clinic days before and came back suffering complications with an … Read more

Released: “A Patriot’s Catechism of United States Constitution”

Please enjoy this E-book version of “A Patriot’s Catechism of the United States Constitution” by JD Hall. This content is exclusively for our Patrons.  The catechism is 344 questions, designed to help your family understand the United States Constitution, each article therein, and every amendment to the Constitution.  You can currently get the book in … Read more

Two Girls Elected Homecoming “Royalty” as School Removes King and Queen Tradition

An Ohio high school crowned two girls homecoming “royalty” instead of having a king and queen at Friday night’s football game. One of the female students was running on the King’s ballot, but Millford High School later announced on their public Facebook page that they will no longer continue the tradition of crowning a male … Read more

White Students Banned From College Anti-Racism Rally

[The Tab] Sheffield Students’ Union has banned white students from attending meetings for its new “anti-racism” policy. The SU announced on Tuesday that it is shifting from a “non-racist to an actively anti-racist” stance. But Sheffield SU bosses say “only black and minority ethnic students” will be allowed into meetings to share their views. Those … Read more

WATCH: Pro-Life Students Attacked By Bloodthirsty Mob

A group of pro-life students from TFP, a Catholic organization dedicated to preserving family, tradition and property, was attacked by an unruly pro-abortion mob. The pro-life students were attacked, with one man getting spit on, another getting soda poured on his head. The TFP website states: One of the youngest TFP volunteers wore a wrist … Read more

The Cesspool of ‘Reformed’ Facebook Groups and the Scourge of Social Media’s Doctrinal Cuckolds

There is a growing plague of Facebook groups whose self-identification as ‘Reformed’ is as dubious as Bruce’s Jenner’s identity as a woman. The only difference is that these groups are significantly more estrogen-fueled than Jenner himself. FAUX-REFORMED FACEBOOK ‘FANTASY THEOLOGY’ GROUPS These self-pronounced ‘Reformed’ groups are, on average, no more Reformed than – as Spurgeon … Read more

This Boy Was Just Crowned Homecoming ‘Queen’ in California

Remember back when schools taught science and biology? At a high school in Clovis, California, they must have dropped the subject altogether because they just crowned a boy as “homecoming queen.” Queens, in case you don’t know, are females. But this student, Taylor Meyer, is a boy. Not knowing the biological difference between boys and … Read more

Victim Celebrity, Rachael Denhollander, Insists David Raped Bathsheba. But Did He?

Rachel Denhollander might make a great victim, but she’s a terrible theologian. After being victimized by Olympic doctor, Larry Nassar, Rachael Denhollander courageously spoke-out and led the choir of right-minded folks calling for criminal justice. And then Denhollander presented the Gospel in her victim impact testimony, which was touching. After the spotlight of the mainstream … Read more

More Questions Answered About the KJV or Textus Receptus-Only Position

Editor’s Note: We are so thankful that, once toxic celebrity personalities are removed from this debate, positive and helpful theological and textual conversations can be had regarding the issue of translation. Although we do not share KJV-only conviction, we desire the debate to be had without screaming. And so, we first posted Five Good Reasons Reformed … Read more

Student Becomes Sick After School Nurse Secretly Implanted Birth Control Without Mom’s Knowledge

A 16-year-old student became sick after a school nurse implanted birth control into the girl without her mother’s knowledge or consent. The school is one of Baltimore’s School-Based Health Centers (SBHC), many offer birth control to students.  After seeing a pediatrician for headaches and soreness, the doctor found a tiny tube containing a contraception called … Read more

Black ‘Reformed’ Organization Hires Pro-Abortion Advocate

A prominent “Reformed” ministry for blacks has brought on a pro-abortion contributor to write for their supposedly Christian organization. The Witness began as the Reformed African American Network (RANN), and was founded by Jemar Tisby, a protege of Dr. Ligon Duncan of The Gospel Coalition and Reformed Theological Seminary (the two have done talks together … Read more