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Stickers Defining “Woman” Being Treated as “Trans-phobic” Hate-Crime By Police

Someone somewhere is leaving stickers with the textbook dictionary definition of “woman” around Oxford. Stickers are also being left that have simple phrases like, “Transgender women are men…and most have penises.” Police are treating the prank as a serious crime and are investigating the matter with detectives to find the culprit. As you can see … Read more

‘Facial Recognition’ Not Fooled by Transgenders, Correctly Identifies Biological Sex

A new study shows that without the bias imposed upon it by political correctness, objective facial recognition software refuses to be fooled by a substantial percentage of “trans” people trying to appear as the opposite sex. When ‘dude looks like a lady’ it doesn’t fool the facial recognition software. In reality, it doesn’t fool the … Read more

Rep. Elijah Cummings Moves to Crime Infested Neighborhood

Representative Elijah Cummings, a pro-choice House representative from Baltimore who never saw an abortion bill he wouldn’t support, has passed away in a hospice center at the age of 68. During Cummings tenure in the House of Representative, he voted no on banning federally-paid abortions, voted no on restricting interstate transportation of underaged teens to … Read more

Doctors No Longer Required to Give ‘Gender Reassignment’ Against Their Will

[Lifesite] Judge Reed O’Connor of the Northern District of Texas handed religious medical professionals a win Tuesday by ruling against an Obama-era requirement that would have forced them to provide “gender-reassignment” treatment against their will. In 2016, five states – Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, Texas, and Wisconsin – joined the Franciscan Alliance, the Christian Medical Association, … Read more

ERLC, Cru, Gospel Coalition, NAE Among Soros-Funded Organizations

If you’re wondering why so many evangelical organizations are getting “woke,” wonder no more. This is a compiled list now circulating of the various organizations funded or partially funded by George Soros. In regards to evangelical or Christian institutions, we’ll remind you that Soros’ “rented evangelicals” are well-documented. Although nearly 200 organizations have been listed … Read more

ERLC Trying to Kick Out Conservative SBC Pastors Because They Endorsed a Book

An Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) employee is calling for prominent conservative Southern Baptist leaders to be excommunicated from the denomination after they endorsed a book by one of President Trump’s spiritual advisers. Projecting himself as a friend of Barack Obama and hardly – if ever – critical of his policies, Russell Moore’s antipathy … Read more

Latina Lady Professor Scared Off-Campus

Last Wednesday, in what one may call a stump speech, Jennine Capó Crucet spoke on the issues of diversity on college campuses. This presentation is based on the content of her book, Make Your Home Among Strangers. Her invitation from the University was due to much discussion that the book has caused in several arenas. … Read more

Pete Buttigieg Announces ‘Adopt a Gay Program’ Sounds Like Predator “Grooming” Scheme

U.S. Democratic primary presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg – a homosexual and supposed practicing ‘evangelical Christian’ – is announcing his plans for what we can best describe as an ‘Adopt a Gay Program.’ Claiming that sexually misguided children are more likely to inflict self-harm without an adult coming alongside them to excuse (or take advantage) of … Read more

Former Anglican Turned Catholic is Now A “Saint”

Even a superficial knowledge of the New Testament should be enough to dispel the notion that “saints” in the Roman Catholic [and Eastern Orthodox] sense is utterly at odds with God’s estimation. When Paul the Apostle addresses congregations, he often writes to “the saints . . .” [see Acts 9:13, 32, 41; Rom. 1:7; 8:27; … Read more

Planned Parenthood: The Killing Machine

The Killing Machine, Planned Parenthood, is planning to dump 45 million dollars into a concerted effort to oust President Trump and thereby secure the continuing validity of Roe Vs. Wade. Their hatred for the President is primarily for his condemnation of abortion as a social ill. Trump has been firm in his defense of the … Read more