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Antifa Planned to Give Poisoned Candy to Kids in Trump Costumes

In a now-deleted Twitter account, an Antifa protestor promised to give kids in Trump costumes candy laced with the deadly drug, fentanyl (HT to NOQ Report for helping to break that story). The domestic terrorist organization member was quite serious about his intentions, and should be taken as no joke. He continued to make promises, … Read more

Dordt (Christian) University Now Teaching Gender is Determined by Clothing Choice

A Christian University in America’s heartland originally named after the Synod of Dordrecht – an important council of Protestant Reformed history that opposed Arminianism – has apparently adopted a science-fiction view of gender and is now teaching that it is determined by clothing choice rather than God’s immutable decrees as revealed in human biology. There … Read more

For This Reason, the Southern Baptist Convention Must Be Dissolved

In which congregations of the saints should the women remain silent?Paul says “all” of them. “As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches” (1 Cor. 14:33b-34a, emphasis added). Paul goes on: For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything … Read more

Man Screams at Little Girl in Wheelchair: “You Should Have Been Aborted!”

While going to school with her mother and older brother, four-year-old Quinn Ross was harassed by a man who cornered the family and yelled at the little girl, “You should have been aborted.” Quinn has Perthes disease, a non-fatal disorder that makes walking more than a couple steps a painful ordeal. Police are now investigating … Read more

Confessed Sexual Assault Perpetrator Andy Savage Aims to Start a New Church

Andy Savage is planning to start a new church in Memphis, TN. He was accused of sexually assaulting a teen in 1998, which was brought to light in January of 2018. Sexual assault is a technical term, encompassing non-coerced sexual activity with a minor. Andy Savage’s scripted apology to his congregation, Highpoint Church Memphis (various … Read more

New Website, Disrn, Needs to Work on Its Discernment

This week, fledgling Christian news organization released two opinion pieces covering the flap up over John MacArthur’s “go home” advice to Beth Moore. Pulpit & Pen would love to see 1000 discerning competitors outdo it in the mission to fill the world with godly discernment. But judging from its handling of the Beth Moore … Read more

Bed Bath and Beyond pulls “Blackface” Jack-o-Lanterns After Accusations of Racism

Famed soap giant Bed Bath and Beyond pulls “Blackface” Jack-o-Lanterns after some complaints. The whole controversy began when lawyers, Feerick Nugent MacCartney had displayed the items for seasonal decoration. The community backlash forced the legal firm to remove the pumpkins. Not surprisingly, the NAACP got involved. Wilbur Aldridge a spokesperson claims that the black jack-o-lanterns … Read more

SEBTS Hires Gay Affirming Feminist Who Says ‘Abortion Isn’t Murder’ to Teach at SBC Seminary

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forrest, a seminary belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention, just hired a radical leftist and gay-affirming feminist to its faculty. Karen Swallow Prior’s days at Liberty University were limited after promoting her pro-gay book on Liberty’s campus only months ago and her increasingly brazen liberal stances becoming more apparent … Read more

Good News: Egalitarianism Has Been Totally Eradicated in American Evangelicalism

After a quick survey of American evangelicalism in 2019, it’s been suddenly discovered – much to everyone’s surprise – that there are no egalitarians any longer in existence. This may be hard for some to believe, given the radical shift toward acceptance of females in ministry, but egalitarianism apparently has been totally eradicated. Egalitarianism is … Read more

Mannish Woman Who Tried to Urinate Standing Up Now Trying to Correct John MacArthur on Gender Roles

Jackie Hill Perry, who has the more holes punched in her Gospel Coalition Intersectionality Score Card than anyone else, went on the offensive against Dr. MacArthur’s position on Biblical gender roles. After John MacArthur echoed what basically anybody with a Biblical view of gender roles has been saying for more than a decade – that … Read more

‘Transgender Person’ Rejected For Adult Movie Is Considered a Hate Crime

As strange as this may be, and it is mightily strange, the UK is becoming overly sensitive concerning perceived hate crimes. Recently, the Police in the UK were investigating a case of someone accused of “transgender phobia” as a potential hate crime. The 25-year-old person was of some notoriety having had a transgender identity change … Read more

Chandler’s Village Church Involved in ANOTHER Sex-Abuse Scandal

[Friendlyatheist] The Village Church in Fort Worth, Texas — which is already facing a million-dollar lawsuit over its mishandling of a sexual assault case — just admitted it has another case of sexual assault on its hands. Yesterday afternoon, the church sent out an email and posted a similar message on its website letting people know that Andy Landrum, … Read more

Steven Anderson Gets Banned By Another Country

The controversial Tempe pastor, Steven Anderson, is now banned from entering New Zealand. This makes a total of thirty-four countries that will not tolerate his speech, where it is considerably less free than in America. This is, in part, his position on human sexuality, believing that homosexuality is a gross sin. Anderson seems to be … Read more