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Evangelicals Say Being “Pro-Life” Demands Gun Control

With a wet pinky stuck to the wind to determine shifting political opinion, ever-to-please evangelical leaders are calling lock-stock-and-barrel (pun intended) for gun control. On account of the Parkland School shooting in Florida, a number of evangelical talking heads are demanding that all Christians embrace gun control as a part of the pro-life ethic. We … Read more

Charismatic Prophetess Claims She Killed Flu Demons With Sword, and 2018 Flu Season Over

Earlier in the week, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) prophetess, Gloria Copeland, “bound the spirit” the of the flu and instructed her listeners to not get the flu shot because they had already been inoculated by the Holy Spirit. Copeland claimed, citing Isaiah 53 and its various paraphrases in the New Testament, that Jesus took the … Read more

Evangelical Leftists Beg Trump to Help Illegal Aliens

Illegal immigration has become the most popular issue to talk about among evangelicals seeking to build a bridge between evangelicalism and America’s left. Conceding on the culture wars of abortion and gay marriage, these evangelical leaders can’t be found in the thick of it on those important religious issues, but are at the front of … Read more

Cracking the Insidious Code Part IV: John Piper’s Self-Absorbed God – Article II

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series John Piper - Desiring God

In Desiring God the first chapter in the book is entitled, “The Happiness of God: Foundation for Christian Hedonism.”  As we saw in my previous article, Piper’s god is a deity who is self-absorbed in the happiness his glory brings him.  And this unbiblical self-absorbed god is the basis of Piper’s Christian Hedonism. Piper asserts, “Therefore the … Read more

Samuel Rodriguez Healed a Blind Man (in a Third World Country with No Video)

Samuel Rodriguez is a prominent Hispanic evangelical who is often a guest speaker in non-charismatic circles. Rodriguez, the president of The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), has – for example – partnered repeatedly on various projects with Russell Moore and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention. According to … Read more

The Evangelical Deep State, Part 2

Part One of this article was published on December 18, 2017. Over a month later, interest in the issues raised in the article remains high, and the questions over associations of evangelical leaders like Al Mohler, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Marvin Olasky continue to linger. Efforts to dismiss the well-documented findings as the “ramblings of … Read more

Michael Brown Elephant Rooms Oneness Pentecostals, Immediately References His “Good Friend,” James White

A caller phoned in to ask Dr. Michael Brown if Oneness Pentecostals were saved. This is his response. “It’s actually a debate within the body.” “They sounded completely orthodox to me.” Brown then appealed to his “good friend” James White, who has completely affirmed Brown as orthodox, who in turn affirms Oneness Pentecostals who deny the … Read more

Cracking the Insidious Code Part IV: John Piper’s Self-Absorbed God

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series John Piper - Desiring God

John Piper’s theology of God, which has been widely read for years as it was circulated in his book Desiring God (1986), is his imaginative idea alone, and not biblical.  In Piper’s words, his theology proper is “The bedrock foundation of Christian Hedonism,” (DG p31). The bedrock aspect to which he refers is the self-enjoyment … Read more