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Is a Corrupt Globalist Billionaire Influencing America’s Reformed Community?

[Editor’s Note: This is part 1 in a series that will explain how James Riady, a corrupt and felonious Globalist financier, is influencing America’s Reformed community. Part 1 will give a brief overview of Riady’s past, continued corruption and problematic leftist ties, and explain Riady’s influence over American Reformed leaders and American religious institutions] INTRODUCTION … Read more

‘Pro-Life’ Label Continues to Be Redefined by Globalists, Marxist Religioinists

We have written before about the ‘pro-life’ label being redefined by pseudo-Christian religious leaders who have a particular ideological bent toward globalism and Marxism. We exposed 16 evangelical leaders arguing that being ‘pro-life’ demanded gun control here. We exposed Russell Moore – the former Democratic staffer and Social Justice warrior who is reshaping America’s largest … Read more

Francis Chan, Speaking of His Critics, Says, “Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed.”

When they were few in number,     of little account, and sojourners in it,  wandering from nation to nation,     from one kingdom to another people,  he allowed no one to oppress them;     he rebuked kings on their account,  saying, “Touch not my anointed ones,     do my prophets no harm!” (Psalm 105:12-15) God gave clear instructions not to touch those especially anointed … Read more

Video: Greg Locke Rebuked at Church, Church Assaults the Man and His Family

  Greg Locke is a conservative Internet-famous Facebook preacher who is known for his selfie-videos opining on political and social issues. He is pastor of Global Vision Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Originally beginning as an Independent, Fundamental Baptist preacher, Locke eventually drifted from his theological roots and took more of a mainstream, seeker-friendly appeal … Read more

The Gospel Coalition Calls Roman Catholicism “Full-Blooded Version of Christianity”

Frankly, I don’t know why The ‘Gospel’ Coalition lets women write for their blog who don’t seem qualified to operate from behind the curtain in a children church’s puppet ministry. I assume it has something to do with their bleeding-heart, kinder, gentler, limp-wristed form of “sophisticated” Christianity that probably insists on a gender inclusion quota. … Read more

New Religious Crypto-Currency, “GodCoin” Designed to Be “One World Currency”

Bitcoin is just one of many, but the first, of crypto-currencies launched online in order to form a non-traceable form of payment outside of government control. Popular among the Dark Web used to purchase black market goods and services, as well as being popular among privacy-minded individuals with less-nefarious intentions, the currency has provided a … Read more

Disney’s New Oprah Film Provided As Bible Study to Teens

A Wrinkle in Time is opening nationwide in theaters tomorrow. Religious entrepreneurs intent on entertaining people into Heaven have already capitalized on the film to turn it into a Bible study to reach America’s pop-culture-saturated youth. With only a 44% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and reportedly an unlikely chance at opening in the #1 spot … Read more

What is a Family Integrated Church? Watch and Share this Free Film!

It’s easy to forget the significance of a family integrated church until it’s been challenged. Literally years have gone by without the thought of why we insist families worship together on the Lord’s Day, until this Sunday, when someone left the comment (above) on the live stream of my sermon. The listener could hear the … Read more

Paul Washer Nails It on Young, Restless and Reformed

As you know, we at Pulpit & Pen are greatly concerned about the advance of New Calvinism, also known as the Young, Restless an Reformed (YRR). While most, but not all, writers at Pulpit & Pen are Reformed and Calvinistic Baptists, we are very cautious regarding the recent movement of young people to a type … Read more

In Spite of Compound’s Giant Medical Staff, Copeland’s Say They Are “Disease Resistant Church”

Last month, Gloria Copeland made the news for saying that their followers don’t need the flu vaccine because they’re immunized by the Word of God. We wrote about that in the post, Charismatic Prophetess Suggests Holy Spirit Flu Immunity. A few days later, the Copelands double-downed with an article on their personal blog entitled, Can You … Read more

Roman Catholic Priest Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Same-Sex Teen

A Roman Catholic priest in Saginaw, Michigan, has been arrested for sexually assaulting a 17-year-old teen boy. “Father” Robert DeLand was the former diocesan vocations director for the area and is a high-ranking priest. Currently, he is the pastor of St. Agnes Parish in the Diocese of Saginaw. DeLand was arrested after a police investigation … Read more

Predator, Clayton Jennings, to Speak with Trip Lee, Louie Giglio

Sexual and spiritual predator, Clayton Jennings, will be speaking at an upcoming event called the “Be Bold Conference.” Other speakers include Christian rapper, Trip Lee, and evangelical star, Louie Giglio. Last year, Jennings had his ministry license revoked by his home church, after it was revealed that he had promiscuously using his status as an … Read more

Ironically Named Lincoln “Berean” Church Hosting Roman Catholic, Matt Maher

Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so (Acts 17:11) This short passage about Paul’s interactions with the Bereans has been used for thousands of years as emblematic of commendable discernment. Having come from Thessalonica after … Read more