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Privileged White Man Claims that Homeschool is a Racist Plot

In Critical Race Theory, privilege equals “whiteness” and oppression equals “blackness.” Combined with the fact that Kyle J. Howard was raised by a set of highly-affluent, upper-class attorney parents in a posh suburb (one of whom was white), this means that according to the “helpful analytical tool” of Critical Race Theory, Howard is a privileged … Read more

‘Christianity Today’ and Stetzer Partner with Soros’ Immigration Invasion

Ed Stetzer of Wheaton College and Christianity Today promoted the George Soros backed Evangelical Immigration Table’s newest Immigration Reform Package. This Immigration Reform plan is based on “restitution,” where illegal aliens are allowed to make payment for their violation of immigration law instead of facing deportation. We reported last week that Southern Baptist theologians and leaders … Read more

10-Year-Old Sex Abuse Victim Cleverly Used Cell-Phone Recording to Bust Pedophile Priest

A brave 10-year-old abuse victim has busted her perpetrator, a Roman Catholic Priest, with a recording from her cell-phone. According to the Italian publication Le Iene, Michele Mottola was arrested when audio recorded by his then-10-year-victim was released to authorities. The little child was wise enough to know that few would believe her story unless … Read more

YouTube Says Medical Facts About “Transgender ism” are “Hate Speech”

After being on the platform for two years, YouTube banned a video of Dr. Michelle Cretella, a pediatrician and executive director at the American Academy of Pediatricians, who explained that dismembering body parts is a symptom of mental illness. The board-certified pediatrician gives medical facts in the video and demonstrates that “Transgenderism” doesn’t really exist. … Read more

Public School Teacher Segregated Classroom By Religion, Ridiculed Conservative Christians

A teacher at the South Johnston High School, Julia Lopp, divided her classroom based on religious beliefs, as well as by their policy stances on abortion and homosexuality. The teacher – who was supposed to be teaching Spanish – then ridiculed the more conservative Christians students. Students were asked whether they had a mental health … Read more

Lesbian Pastor to Lead National Abortion Federation

As if being a female pastor wasn’t sinful enough, this woman is a lesbian pastor. And if that weren’t bad enough (and it’s plenty bad), she’s also just been appointed to head-up the National Abortion Federation (NAF), an organization that fights for the ‘right’ of mothers to ruthlessly assault and destroy their unborn children. Earning … Read more

Video: John MacArthur Just Preached Entire Sermon on Women Preachers Going Home

John MacArthur made bleeding-heart belly-achers swoon on their fainting couches when he expressed a sentiment that all conservative Christians agree with; Beth Moore should go home and women should not preach. What should have been the least controversial statement possible among Biblical Christians became a cause of weeping and gnashing of teeth by a new … Read more

Hillsong L.A. to Worship in Facility Decorated with Depictions of Child Sacrifice

Hillsong Church, the global charismatic prosperity cult headquartered in Australia and headed-up by a pedophile-protecting charlatan, will be observing Christmas worship in a facility that is decorated with scenes of child sacrifice. A concerned reader who recently attended Hillsong Church for the sake of evangelism has reported that they are now beginning to meet periodically … Read more

Far from the Black: Massive Budget Shortfall at Embattled FBC Naples

Over the past few days, the leadership of First Baptist Church of Naples (Flordia) has been busy excommunicating members who rejected a proposed candidate for the pastoral office named Marcus Hayes. Ostensibly, those who voted against affirming Hayes did so out of racist motives. However, personal testimonies and leaked emails provided to Pulpit & Pen … Read more

FBC Naples Insider Speaks Out About Alleged Racism and Unbiblical Excommunications at FBC Naples.

“The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him. ” Proverbs 18:17 Hayes Wicker was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Naples (Florida) for 27 years.  Wicker, a former President of the Florida Baptist Convention and the SBC Pastors’ Conference, was such a high-profile leader and fundraiser for Baptist … Read more

Being Denied by Local Priest, Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Gets Communion Straight from the Pope

After being denied Communion by a South Carolina priest because he advocates for infanticide up until the point of birth (and even afterward if the abortion was botched), Joe Biden told the press that he would just receive Communion from the Pope of Rome himself. Roman Catholics observe the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, as do … Read more