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Missouri’s Last Standing Planned Parenthood Has Injured 75 Patients

Reproductive Health Services Planned Parenthood in St. Louis is a testament to not only how the pro-abortion movement has changed, but how far they’re willing to go to fight for the right to kill human beings. Coalition for Life St. Louis reports that according to sidewalk witnesses emergency response was recently called to this clinic. … Read more

Leaked Emails Show Satanists Have Service at U.S. Naval Academy

The United States Naval Academy is providing space for the Temple of Satan to worship in Annapolis, Maryland. An internal email was sent out to certain midshipmen, informing them that the United States Naval Academy (USNA) would be accommodating the Satanist’s request for worship space. After the email got out to the press, USNA spokeswoman, … Read more

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Calls for More Same Sex Intimacy in Churches

Last week Redeemer Church in Manhattan sponsored a training event for all their New York City churches which featured Tim Keller and Rebecca McLaughlin. Tim Keller is the founding pastor of the highly influential Redeemer enterprise and co-founder of The Gospel Coalition (TGC), a political organization which aims to move Evangelicals away from their Biblical … Read more

Freedom From Religion Foundation Files Complaint that Kanye’s Music Was Performed in Prison

The atheist lobby group, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), has filed a complaint with the Texas Sheriff who allowed Kanye West’s impromptu worship service in the Harris County Jail. FFRF insists that this type of religious gathering must not happen again. FFRF Director of Strategic Response Andrew L. Seidel wrote in a letter to the … Read more

Southern Baptist President Says to Call ‘Transgenders’ By Their Preferred Pronoun

Albert Mohler and Danny Akin told the Baptist Press that there is no liberal drift in the SBC. In spite of that ostrich-in-the-sand approach at surveying reality, the Southern Baptist Convention’s president, JD Greear, just suggested that we call ‘transgender’ people their preferred pronouns. He called it “pronoun hospitality,’ and credited Revoice homosexual, Preston Sprinkle, … Read more

When Rosaria Butterfield Lied to Get Me Kicked Out of G3

I’m telling this story because James White, Doug Wilson, Tom Buck, and Tom Ascol are promoting Rosaria Butterfield as of late, and I’m convinced that none of them have read her material in depth. Most have applauded Butterfield for this comment and thus assumed that she shares their sexual ethic… Some folks will never learn … Read more

Kanye and the Camel’s Needle

I would draw parallels between Kanye West being invited to Lakewood Church and Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, but that would make Kanye into Jesus in this scenario. My fear is that Kanye already considers himself close enough that I need not make him stumble by the comparison. Nonetheless, Kanye’s appearance at Osteen’s Happy … Read more

Doctors Caught on Audio Plotting Confiscation Of Baby Because Parents Refused Vitamin Shot

[PJ Media] After a class-action lawsuit was filed in October against several hospitals, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), and several doctors, audio has surfaced of some of the defendants in the case plotting to collude with DCFS to take children away from parents extra-lawfully. Recordings of these doctors at a committee meeting appear … Read more

Planned Parenthood Invites KIDS to Genital-Themed, Masturbatory Pole-Dancing Event

Planned Parenthood of Washington is hosting an “all ages, all genders” sex workshop featuring “clitoris and pleasure education” and erotic pole dancing. The Planned Parenthood advertisement specifically says that children are invited. The ad reads… “The theme for the night is a reclamation of pleasure, and while we emphasize the Clitoris, we understand that not … Read more

College Clinic Asks Only Women About Menstrual Cycle, Reported for ‘Hate’ By Students

After a professor refused to silence or censure students who said that abortion was a “woman’s issue” and that “men do not have abortions,” they were reported to university administration officials who are investigating the matter as a possible transphobic hate crime. One student lodged a complaint at the Campus Climate reporting website that the discussion was … Read more

Roman Catholic Priest Conducts Lesbian Wedding

A Roman Catholic priest, Michael Kopp, has conducted a wedding between two lesbian entering a so-called civil union. Although gay marriage is not recognized by Austria, civil unions are still common. Photos have been released with two women in bride’s gowns in a Catholic church in Austria. The Diocese of Graz-Seckau has confirmed that Kopp … Read more

Montana Students Bully Christian Classmates, Get Their Club Banned for Discrimination

School administrators in Montana agreed that Bozeman High School’s chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes violated the school’s anti-discrimination policy against the LGBTQ and so they decided to discriminate against Christians in the name of anti-discrimination. Painted as heroes of inclusion in The Bozeman Daily Chronicle, four mean-spirited girls repeatedly complained to faculty and eventually … Read more

Crisis Pregnancy Centers Offering Abortion Drugs, Replacing Planned Parenthood

Showing the powerful law of supply-and-demand, some “pro-life” crisis pregnancy centers are starting to offer their clients abortion-causing drugs as abortion clinics are closing around them. A major anti-abortion alliance in Texas comprised of eight abortion-alternative clinics told the Washington Post that they are offering “contraception choices” now that Planned Parenthood has withdrawn from Title … Read more