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Apologia Church Saved Private Clergy-Penitent Recordings, Then Released Them to Punish Critics

Imagine you had a private conversation with ordained clergy, confessing your sins. Then imagine those clergy members secretly recorded that call and later chose to anonymously put that info online in order to punish you. That’s what Apologia church leaders did when Tim Hurd called them to confess some ill-will in his heart and apologize … Read more

Texas School Approves ‘Pedophile Curriculum’ for Grade School Students

Pro-LGBTQ protestors met outside the schoolhouse to drown out anti-LGBTQ protestors, and they were fairly successful at doing so. Like the Sodomites who kicked down Lot’s door, these angry homosexuals wanted their way and won’t take no for an answer. One had a t-shirt that read, “I met God. They’re queer, y’all.” The anti-LGBTQ protestors, … Read more

Heroic Doctor Fired for Flunking Girls on Physical Exams Because They’re Not Fit to Wrestle Boys

Dr. Michael Terranova was contracted with the Lancaster (NY) High School to give physical exams to student-athletes, clearing them with good health (or failing them) for the activity in which they want to participate. However, he was fired from the school after refusing to clear a 12-year-old girl who wanted to wrestle boys on the … Read more

The Chick-Fil-A Foundation Donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center

Until this morning, I thought the worst thing that Chick-Fil-A had ever done was replace its original BBQ sauce with the “smoky” flavor. Today I found out that the Chick-Fil-A foundation donated $2,500 to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in 2017. The SPLC, whatever it was originally meant to be, is essentially an anti-Christian … Read more

Trump Makes Animal Cruelty A Federal Crime. Fetus Cruelty Still Legal.

The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act (PACT) was a bipartisan bill that criminalized the “intentional crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impalement or other serious harm” to “living non-human mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians.” So choking out an iguana, a species which is taking over Florida like a plague, is now a federal offense. The bill … Read more

Newly Discovered Fossils Reveal Snakes Once Had Legs, Confirming Genesis Account

Hardly a day goes by that science, anthropology, or archeology doesn’t confirm an aspect of the Bible’s creation account or another aspect of its historical narrative. Today is no exception, as archeologists have discovered from newly found fossils that snakes used to have legs. And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, … Read more

Lesbian Gets Kicked Out of Fuller Seminary, Sues Them

Joanna Maxon is a 53-year-old lesbian who has two kids, apparently because she wasn’t always a lesbian. Maxon wanted to advance her studies, so she began to attend Fuller Theological Seminary. When her financial paperwork revealed that she was married to a woman, Fuller expelled her from the school. She’s now suing Fuller for discriminating … Read more