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Santa is Gay, Married To Another Santa in New Children’s Book

In a new children’s book, Saint Nicolaus is a gay black man in an interracial marriage. The interracial marriage part isn’t the slightest bit concerning, but if Santa is gay, this probably affects whether or not parent want children to sit on his lap. As reported by the HuffPo, publisher Harper Design “announced plans to … Read more

Santa is ‘Gender Neutral’ Say Liberals, ‘Father Christmas’ is Bigoted Expression

A woman, according to the Plymouth Herald, was recently ridiculed for referring to Santa as “Father Christmas.” Other women eviscerated the housewife in scathing comments, claiming that references to Santa as “he” is offensive to the transgender community. The imaginary character loosely based upon a historic religious figure is known for his long, white beard. … Read more

Church Nativity Shows Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Separated By Cages

A California church is using the Christmas season, a time we remember and celebrate Christ’s birth, to make political statements. Claremont United Methodist Church has set up a nativity scene depicting Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus separated by cages. The church hopes the nativity will show people “How they may have been treated if captured … Read more

Dept of Defense Vet Says Anti-Vaxxers Should Be Put in ‘Re-Education Camps,’ Property Seized, Kids Taken

A George H.W. Bush Department of Defense appointee and rabid “Never-Trump”, Rick Wilson, said over the weekend that Anti-Vaxxers should have their children confiscated, their property seized, and that they should be sent to ‘re-education’ camp. Wilson is best known as being the Republican strategists who served as George W. Bush’s Florida campaign chief during … Read more

Pharmacy Reduces Abortion Pill Prices, Abortion Biz Encourages Women to Stock Up for Christmas

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), an organization that runs many abortion clinics, encouraged women to take advantage of an online pharmacy slashing the price of morning-after pills, stating that they should “stock up” for the Christmas and holiday season. The morning-after pill typically purchased after a consultation with a pharmacist is £26, or $34.16 … Read more

LGBT “Love is Age-Blind” Meme Circulating in Social Media

A meme, allegedly put out by the LGBT Foundation, claims that love is both gender-blind and age-blind. Most of the RT’s on this tweet have come from Kyle McDorman, whose tweets are now protected from his Twitter page. It appears to be a screenshot taken from the LGBT Foundation, which is a real organization. The … Read more

This Woman Was Just Ordained as a ‘Priest’

She’s a woman, even if she doesn’t look very much like one. Danni Clark insists on wearing sleeveless clerical shirts, which highlight tattoos marring the adipose rolls of flesh pendulously swinging off her arms. With a colorful mohawk and a nose-ring like that which is worn by wayward sows, Clark blasphemously folds her hands in … Read more

Indisputable Proof SWBTS Lied; ERLC Targeted Professor for Preaching Against LGBT ‘Revoice’ Theology

INTRODUCTION FROM JD Let me interject here in this repost from Capstone Report with a few points of observation. First, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) absolutely, 100% unequivocally lied in their press release about Dr. Lopez’ termination. There is zero doubt of that now. Second, it is clear that SWBTS had no idea who they … Read more

Hero Judge Refuses to Officiate ‘Gay Weddings’ so as to “Not Offend God”

A Texas judge has been officially reprimanded by a state judicial commission for refusing to officiate marriages between same-sex couples because it violates her conscience (and nature…and common sense…and the definition of marriage…). Nonetheless, the judge is sticking to her guns. Dianne Hensley, an elected official serving McLennan County in central Texas, has refused to … Read more

Trump Rejecting Daily Prayers Offered by Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi responded to a reporter in a press briefer about their intent to impeach the president, “I pray for the President all the time.” The entire nation rolled their eyes and sarcastically, slowly nodded in an “I bet you do” expression. Donald Trump chimed in on national sentiment, saying in a tweet yesterday, “I … Read more

Pete Buttigieg Helped Salvation Army in 2017, LGBTQ Mafia Fuming

Heaven help those who are gay, but not gay enough. Pete Buttigieg is facing cancel culture. A photo has surfaced of the openly-gay presidential candidate helping ring a bell for the Salvation Army in 2017, leading to swift condemnation from the radical left. Out Magazine launched its attack with the headline: Pete Buttigieg Volunteered for … Read more

Questions for Jeff Durbin and Apologia Church that Need Frank Answers

We have been inundated with phone calls from former Apologia members and residents in the Phoenix area and asked that Jeff Durbin answer the following questions: 1. Have church members at Apologia left over disagreements related to leadership secretly recording their confessions of sin and later using them against them? 2. Have leadership at Apologia … Read more

Church of Sweden Places Gay Artwork Behind Altar

St. Paul’s Church in Malmo, Sweden, has released brand new artwork behind the church altar of a LGBTQ revision of the Garden of Eden. Although there were only two figures in the Garden of Eden, the Biblically-illiterate display shows eight homosexuals inside the garden of God, some in a romantic embrace. The website for the … Read more