We have been inundated with phone calls from former Apologia members and residents in the Phoenix area and asked that Jeff Durbin answer the following questions:
1. Have church members at Apologia left over disagreements related to leadership secretly recording their confessions of sin and later using them against them?
2. Have leadership at Apologia secretly recorded minors, without their parents’ permission?
3. Has Apologia Church lost leadership over the issue of secret recordings?
4. Have other elders and pastors in the Phoenix area approached Jeff Durbin and Apologia Church in attempted discipline over the use and misuse of private recordings?
How Durbin and Apologia leadership, including James White, respond to these questions will determine how Pulpit & Pen moves forward in our intended expose on what many former members, former leaders, and fellow pastors in the Phoenix area are calling a cult.
We have dozens of people testifying to these things (more than two or three) and bringing accusations of use of secret recordings against church members at Apologia and members of other churches in the Phoenix area. We would like to hear Durbin’s side before we hit ‘publish’ on the expose.
Thanks – JD
Find more information here:
Apologia Church Saved Private Clergy-Penitent Recordings, Then Released Them to Punish Critics