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Nation’s Postal Service Ad Shows Virgin Mary Impregnated by Mailman

The postal service of the nation of Norway is running a Christmas advertisement showing Mary gets impregnated by a mailman. According to Lifesite News, “A new commercial for the Christmas season produced by the Norwegian Postal Service, Posten Norge, suggests that Christ’s conception in the Virgin Mary’s womb was not miraculous and that He was … Read more

An Open Letter to Christians Using Preferred Pronouns

Dear Christians Who Use Preferred Gender Pronouns, We are seeing many Christians compromise on this important issue. Should we use the preferred gender pronouns for those suffering from confusion, delusion, or deceit about their gender? The Southern Baptist Convention president says yes. The Revoice ‘gay Christian’ lobby says yes. The ‘Reformed’ Rosaria Butterfield says yes. … Read more

Political Correctness Run Amok: Men Fired For Using Word, “Eskimo” to Refer to Eskimo

[National File] Two drunk men on a flight from Labrador to Newfoundland last Monday caused an outrage, leading to their sacking, after it emerged that one of them said “Eskimo,” which is now a politically incorrect term. The two men, Dave Beck and Thomas Scott are both from St. John’s, Newfoundland, worked primarily as plasterers … Read more

Court Drops Charges Against Pastor Arrested for Preaching at Drag Queen Library Event

[Lifesite News] SPOKANE, Washington, December 16, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A judge has dismissed charges against a Christian pastor in Washington who was arrested after trying to enter a public library in which a Drag Queen Story Hour event was taking place, though local prosecutors plan to try again against Afshin Yaghtin. Yaghtin, who preaches at … Read more

Rosaria Butterfield *On Audio* Promoting “Preferred (Transgender) Pronouns” in Name of Hospitality

Any sensible Christian knows that to assist people’s gender delusions by using the wrong pronoun is a sin. We cannot play pretend in regard to the gender God made them or lie about whether God made them male or female. However, Rosaria Butterfield, who we are beginning to refer to as Lot’s Wife, intentionally provides … Read more

School Bullied Into Removing Nativity Scene From 3rd Grade Christmas Play

An Oklahoma school has dropped the nativity scene from their annual Christmas play after FFRF sent a threatening letter demanding they remove mentions of Jesus from the show or be sued. The horrible Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) strikes again, this time bullying a school into dropping a nativity scene from the third grade Christmas … Read more

Taylor Swift Announced Soros Bought Her Music Rights Just Before She Mysteriously Became Anti-Trump Activist

For years, Taylor Swift’s silence on political and cultural issues made her an adored celebrity to millions. Swift, in fact, was famously quiet during political hot-button years (so much so that it annoyed leftists). She told Time Magazine in 2012 that she doesn’t talk “about politics because it might influence other people.” Suddenly, out of … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Calls Trump a ‘Sex-Offender’

Jonathan Merritt, a prominent journalist for various Christian publications, called President Donald Trump a “sex offender” in a recent tweet. Jonathan Merritt shares certain communicable attributes with three dollar bills. He lives life with one foot in the closet and the other closet on the fabulously gay red carpet. Merritt, who on a scale from … Read more

Video Shows Children Being Groomed by Crossdresser

This is nothing short of sexual grooming by pedophiles and the intention indoctrination of children. They are so bold about it, they put it on video. Watch below. And then weep until you’re righteously indignant to the point you’ll say “enough is enough.” Protect our kids!

Vatican Defends Judas and Says Priests Should be Supportive During Assisted Suicides

Judas killed himself after betraying Jesus. A Vatican official is now defending the betrayer of Christ and promoting assisted suicide, arguing that priests should be supportive of the practice and even accompany people to help them through the life-ending process. As reported by Lifesite News, “Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, … Read more

Critical Race Theory Syllabus from Reformed Theological Seminary Released to Public

A student at Reformed Theological Seminary has pointed concerned Christians to an extremist Critical Race Theory syllabus taught by Dr. Sean Michael Lucas, the Chancellor’s Professor of Church History. The syllabus is currently available online (we have also uploaded it to our servers in the event of its inevitable deletion). The curriculum on the syllabus … Read more

Planned Parenthood to Set Up Shop INSIDE 50 Los Angeles High Schools

Planned Parenthood, which does not offer any “women’s health” services unless they are related to the abortion procedure, is opening facilities inside 50 different Los Angeles-area high schools in order to make customers out of underaged teen girls without their parents getting in the middle. Although the surgical abortion procedure will not be offered inside … Read more