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Butterfield Quietly Edits Audio Referencing Her Stance on Preferred Pronouns

After this excellent report exposing Rosaria Butterfield’s documented position on using preferred gender pronouns, she began to quietly and secretly delete sources referencing her position on the subject. We now have evidence of Butterfield editing audio of her more salacious and scandalous comments on the subject, but she hasn’t noted any changes. They have simply … Read more

Dr. Michael Brown Says Todd Bentley is ‘Supernaturally Gifted by God,’ Sees Path to Restoration

An investigatory committee led by Dr. Michael Brown into Todd Bentley’s alleged sexual perversions, addictions, and abuse issued its findings today. Michael Brown announced that Todd Bentley, even though he was “supernaturally gifted by God,” was disqualified from ministry. The panel has no official oversight over Bentley, who has accused the panel of being unfair … Read more

Peruvians Line Up to Be Blessed By Guinea Pig

Maria Ramos is a shaman in Lima, Peru, a city that is ninety percent Roman Catholic. Ramos has a particular specialty in the dark arts. She takes a black guinea pig and rubs it over the head of worshippers in order to “cleanse” and “purify” them during New Year celebrations. The guinea pig is native … Read more

Captured On Film: Abandoned Baby Rescued from Dumpster

A shocking video has emerged out of Saudi Arabia showing a group of men rescuing an abandoned newborn baby that was thrown into a garbage bag and discarded in a dumpster.   The clip, posted below, shows two men approaching a waste bin speaking Arabic. (Captions provided by us.) Upon hearing mewling sounds inside, one man … Read more

Abuse Victim Kills Pedophile Priest By Jamming Crucifix Down His Throat

A 91-year-old priest in France, Roger Matassoli, was killed when his 19-year-old alleged molestation victim jammed a crucifix down his throat. According to the UK publication, The Tablet, Roger Matassoli was found dead on November 4 at his home near Beauvais, choked by a crucifix stuffed down his throat. There were also multiple blows to … Read more

Court Rules Woman Rightfully Fired for Saying, “Male People Aren’t Women”

A 45-year-old woman was fired from her position at the Center for Global Development in the United Kingdom for saying in social media, “Male people aren’t women.” Her employer considered the scientifically accurate statement to be ‘bigoted’ and fired her. After a judicial review, a British court ruled that the firing was justified. Maya Forstater … Read more

On Christmas Eve, United Nations Said Motherhood was a “Penalty”

On Christmas Eve, which is the evening that commemorates when Mary’s birth-pains with the Christ-child were no doubt beginning, the United Nations tweeted out that motherhood is a “penalty” for women. The tweet mentioned the ‘downside’ to rearing children including more unpaid care and ‘domestic’ work, reduced employment (the horror), gender-based occupational segregation, and gender … Read more

Kanye West Released ANOTHER Gospel Album on Christmas Day

A disappointment to many searching for signs of West’s true conversion after recently partnering in ministry with that Cheshire Cat-smiling, Jerry-curled mullet-wearing devil-in-the-flesh, Joel Osteen, Kanye West has released a new Christmas oriented gospel album entitled ‘Jesus is Born.’ The pace at which West is producing Christian music is blisteringly fast and surprised many with … Read more

ACLU Demands Menstrual Products Be Placed in Men’s Bathrooms and Prisons

On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) declared that menstrual products must be provided in mens restrooms because men cam have periods too. ACLU released a statement saying: “While free menstrual products are not uniformly provided in women’s restrooms, they are almost never available in men’s restrooms, even for pay. Men’s restrooms are also … Read more

Ravens QB, Lamar Jackson, Credits God During Press Conference

When asked what keeps him humble at a press conference, Baltimore Ravens quarterback, Lamar Jackson, said, “I give Him all His praise. The glory, the honor.” He continued, “I could have been doing anything, you know? It’s crazy. I’ve been talking to Him about it, just saying ‘I appreciate you. I thank you.’” Jackson, who … Read more

Vatican Says Sodom Destroyed Over Lack of Hospitality

[LifeSite News] In what many see as an effort to normalize homosexuality in the Catholic Church, the Vatican has released a new book that reduces the “sin of Sodom” (Genesis 19:1–29) to “a lack of hospitality.” “The story about the city of Sodom … illustrates a sin that consists in the lack of hospitality, with … Read more

“Christianity Today” Must Be Replaced with Alternative Christian Media

It is time that the evangelical establishment’s flagship publication, Christianity Today, be replaced with alternative Christian media. We have the power, the numbers, and the readership to topple the liberal rag magazine and replace it with something that represents real evangelicals (the type who actually go to church, believe the Bible, and vote Republican). The … Read more

Man Violently Force-Feeds Abortion Pills to Girlfriend.

[NY Daily News] California cops have arrested a man they say forced his pregnant girlfriend to take drugs at gunpoint so she would have a miscarriage. Jagmeet Sandhu, 23, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of murder, domestic assault and false imprisonment, Bakersfield Police said. Cops say one of the woman’s relatives contacted police shortly after … Read more