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How Many Closeted Homosexuals Are Influencing the SBC?

It’s well known that Jonathan Merritt is a homosexual and is a major influence among Southern Baptists like Russell Moore. The question Pulpit & Pen is now investigating is how many closeted homosexuals are influencing the Southern Baptist Convention? Oh sure, it’s difficult to tell these days, what with metrosexuals largely ruling the SBC roost … Read more

Catholics Are Excited About Francis Chan Leaning Toward Catholicism

Is Francis Chan becoming Roman Catholic? His recently espoused views on transubstantiation certainly has Roman Catholics excited. As Reformation Charlotte reported, “It appears that Chan is now embracing Roman Catholic doctrine on a deeper level than most people previously would have expected. Chan — who once referred to himself as a Calvinist — several years … Read more

Federal Vision Is Not Dead (It Just Smells Funny)

[God’s Hammer] Those familiar with the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail will remember the scene where Eric Idle is collecting plague consumed dead bodies on a cart while crying out like some old-time peanut vendor or carnival barker; “Bring out your dead!” Hearing the call a man appears carrying an elderly man on his shoulder … Read more

Black Community Disproportionately Harmed By Abortion, Says Legal Brief

[Daily Wire] A stirring new friend-of-the-court (“amicus”) brief in a high-profile U.S. Supreme Court abortion case, filed on behalf of numerous “African American pro-life organizations,” powerfully argues that there is a “a long history involving unqualified and uncredentialed abortion providers disproportionately harming black women.” The case, which has previously been covered by The Daily Wire, is June Medical Services, L.L.C. v. … Read more

No Parents Allowed at Library Sex-Ed Taught By Lesbian Pole Dancer

Parents will not be allowed to attend a sex-education class at the library in Lexington Park, Maryland. The class is for teenagers only and will be taught by a pole-dancing lesbian. We kid you not. Two atheist organizations are hosting the event, including the Southern Maryland Area Secular Humanists and the Washington Area Secular Humanists. The event is … Read more

‘Jessica’ Yaniv Files New Human Rights Complaint In Desperate Bid To Be Waxed ‘Down There’ Again.

Jessica Jonathan Yaniv found herself himself in the news again today, much to his delight and glee, when the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) announced they were retained to defend another beauty salon being targeted by everyone’s most hated trans-activist.  Yaniv, known as Canada’s most grotesque export, made news this past year when he … Read more

Veganism Given Religious Protection in United Kingdom

You might have thought that Veganism was more than a diet choice with the religious zealotry most hold to their carrot-nibbling practices. A tribunal in the United Kingdom agrees, and has ruled that “ethical veganism” deserves protections reserved for religious groups because it is a “philosophical system under existing anti-discrimination laws.” Now, you bigots can’t … Read more

Pope Francis Affirmed His Homosexuality, Says Gay Priest

According to a gay Roman Catholic priest (who is still in good standing with the Vatican), Pope Francis called him and affirmed his homosexuality in a phone call, before promoting him. Friar James Alison wrote about his phone call with Pope Francis in the pro-LGBTQ Catholic publication, New Ways Ministries. That publication has been condemned … Read more

Disheveled Homeless Woman Preaches at Passion Conference

Hold on. That’s not a disheveled homeless woman. That’s a disheveled reality television star. But why is she preaching? And why does she look like she just got out of bed? Sadie Robertson’s attire at Louie Giglio’s Passion Conference matched her ability to exposit Scripture. Her unkempt, shoddy appearance served as a metaphor for the … Read more