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Popular Newspaper Columnist Fired for Saying There Are Only Two Sexes

A columnist for the Denver Post, which ranks 30th in circulation in the United States, was fired after disagreeing with those claiming there are more than two sexes. Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute, explained that he had been fired for making the politically incorrect statements. Oddly enough, the debate in this realm typically … Read more

Sick Pastor Teaches Congregation Preferred Positions for Marital Relations with Live Demonstration

A perverted pastor in Ghana is surfacing in several videos teaching his congregation and conference crowds with sexual position tutorials. For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ … Read more

Missouri Teenager Threatened with Suspension for Wearing Pro-Virginity Shirt

Londyn Piglowski, a 13-year-old student in the St. Charles County, Missouri, school district was threatened with suspension for wearing a “controversial” t-shirt that was pro-virginity. It simply read, “Virginity Rocks.” According to KMOV, a local news affiliate, the young man received the sweatshirt with the message “Virginity Rocks” across the front from his friend, Davis, … Read more

Mexican Women Paid to Get Pregnant And then Abort for Medical Research

In absolutely shocking news, medical ethicists are sounding the alarm on a disturbing practice of medical researchers in Mexico. Near the city of Puerto Vallarta, women are being paid to receive artificial insemination so that they can then abort the children for the purpose of medical research. Research posted in the Journal of Human Reproduction … Read more

Pope Vs Pope: Francis Demanded Benedict Remove Support for Celibacy

[Lifesite News] – A Vatican-based journalist has alleged that Pope Francis was “furious” over Pope Benedict’s contribution to a book co-authored with Cardinal Robert Sarah defending priestly celibacy, demanding that Benedict retract his name from the work.  Antonio Socci, an Italian Catholic journalist best known for his coverage of Church news, has reported on social … Read more

Dental Assistant Fired for “Racism” After Posting Pro-Trump Facebook Status

Robyn Polak didn’t know that she was doing anything worthy of employment termination when she posted an innocent-enough Facebook comment in favor of President Donald Trump. Sadly, it led to her termination after someone complained of “racism” in an online review to her employer. Polak’s Facebook comment read, “MAGA 2020.” The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal reports … Read more

What is Palestine? WRONG. Jeopardy Says It’s Called “Israel”

Palestine does not exist. At least, Palestine does not exist as a body-politic. The land commonly referred to as Palestine has a name, and that name is Israel. A contestant on Jeopardy found out the hard way that Palestine is an imaginary designation. Welcome to Realityville. The Jeopardy category was “Where’s that church?” and the … Read more

After Being Labeled a ‘Bigot,’ Young Man Who Opposed Drag Queen Story Time Takes Own Life

Wilson Gavin was a student at the University of Brisbane who opposed “drag queens” indoctrinating kids at library storytime. After being labled a ‘bigot’ and being resoundingly attacked in social media by celebrities, Wilson took his own life. The student, who seemed reasonable, calm, collected, and conscientious, politely refuted claims by a crossdressing man that … Read more

Liberal White United Methodists Toss Out Conservative Africans

United Methodists in the U.S. do not have “open minds, open hearts, and open doors” to their brothers from Africa, who tend to be more conservative than them. Conservative Africans were just given the left boot of fellowship by liberal UMC pastors in the United States. Pulpit & Pen first wrote about this subject in … Read more

SBC Leader Insinuates Alternative Christian Media is ‘Terrorism’

The Capstone Report, which ordinarily has stellar reporting, made an error last week. Without further substantiating the story, the publication asked whether or not Midwestern Seminary President, Jason Allen, had lobbied the governor of Missouri for additional refugee settlements. Indeed, it’s something Allen would certainly do (he’s on record in this regard), but the specific … Read more