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Pray for All the Dumb Churches that Hosted Super Bowl Yesterday

Evangelical churches all across the United States gathered on the Lord’s Day to celebrate not Jesus, but American football. Men, women, and children huddled in fellowship halls and church basements around big screen televisions to watch stadiums of Sabbath-breakers cheer like the Colosseum at a gladiator fight. The scene of Super Bowl LIV was not … Read more

Church of England Apologizes for Saying Only Married Straight People Should Have Sex

[The Christian Post] Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu have apologized for a decree issued by the Church of England which said that only heterosexual married couples should have sex and that sex in gay or straight civil partnerships “falls short of God’s purpose for human beings.” “We as Archbishops, alongside the … Read more

ERLC Leftist Complains Social Media Empowers ‘Fundamentalists’

Leftists in the “woke” evangelical movement have been throwing a hissy fit for weeks about Christians being allowed to express their views in social media, desiring the tech giants shut down free speech and opposing points of view. Yesterday, woke Social Gospel queen, Beth Moore, went on a Twitter tirade against social media for letting … Read more

Apocalyptic? Continent-Sized Swarm of Locusts Devour Africa

A record-breaking plague of locusts the size of a continent is devouring the crops in the African nations of Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia. Should the swarm span out, they would cover every nation on the continent. As the swarm currently stands, it could consume every planted crop on the entire eastern coast. Some estimates claim … Read more

Franklin Graham Banned from UK Venue Because of “Hate Speech”

Liverpool is known as the home of famed Reformed preacher, R.C. Ryle, who was the first Anglican Bishop of Liverpool. Ryle was a staunch conservative preacher with solid biblical values who was celebrated for his ‘putting it like it is’ sermons and writing. Things have changed, however, as a prominent Liverpool venue just canceled American … Read more

Top Baptist News Site Cautions Churches About Hosting Disgraced President, JD Greear

Cancel Culture The phenomenon of “cancel culture” has come to the Southern Baptist Convention thanks to leftists in the ‘woke’ Social Gospel movement like JD Greear, Karen Swallow Prior, Russell Moore, and Albert Mohler (whose continual hiring and support of progressive extremists has pushed the SBC to the hard left). Cancel culture occurs when public … Read more

New Study Shows Babies Suffer Incredible Pain During Abortion

[The Bridgehead] Every day across North America, thousands of babies are aborted in the womb. And every day, as we go about our work, children in the womb die horribly painful deaths, their last moments filled with unspeakable agony. And yet, the fact that babies are “tortured to death in the womb,” as one pro-life … Read more

Former Seminary President’s Church Withholding Tithes from SBC Until Liberal ERLC Changes or is Abolished

[Reformation Charlotte] A growing number of Southern Baptists and SBC churches are becoming extremely frustrated with the politics of the denomination’s most influential entity, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as it continues to push progressivism in the name of Christianity. Recently, the denomination’s propaganda outlet published a demonstrably false article that denied any ties the … Read more

Transgender MMA Fighter That Fractured Woman’s Skull Named ‘Bravest Athlete In History’

Outsports, a news outlet that focuses on LGBT issues in sports, has named transgender MMA fighter, Fallon Fox, the “bravest athlete in history.” According to Outsports, the athlete deserves the title because “she was the target of a torrent of hatred I have literally never seen targeting an LGBTQ athlete.” The Post Millenial posted a … Read more

Jessica Yaniv Arrested, Facing 5 Years Behind Bars for Assault

On Wednesday night, Jessica Yaniv, who is infamous for demanding female estheticians wax him, was arrested and charged with assault against Canadian reporter Keean Bexte. The Rebel released video footage of Yaniv shoving and punching Bexte. Bexte made a statement saying: “Yaniv has been ordered to cease all contact with me, both directly and indirectly. … Read more