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Teen Sentenced for Asking ‘Transgender’ Cop Their Gender

Let’s get one thing straight. It’s your job to convey your gender. It’s not our job to guess. Unfortunately, in the United Kingdom for one autistic teenager, it’s considered a hate crime to ask someone if they’re a man or a woman. The teen, who suffers from Asperger’s – an ailment on the autism spectrum … Read more

The Southern Baptist Convention is Wicked, and God Hates It

Albert Mohler

I awoke this morning and saw the polemics headlines coming out of the unofficial but more successful versions of the Baptist Press, Reformation Charlotte and Capstone Report. Blissfully unaware of most headlines reported on during my weekly Sabbath rest, I opened my eyes to see the following: SBC Pastor’s Conference speaker’s church does Satanic choreographed … Read more

Study Shows Calvinist / Reformed Pastors More Likely to Approve of Gay Marriage Than Others

The heresy-peddling retail outlet for the Southern Baptist Convention, Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources, has released a poll demonstrating a huge upswing in the percentage of mainline Protestant pastors who approve of sodomy-based marriages. The survey demonstrates a surge from 32% approval for gay marriage in this group in 2010 up to 47% in 2020. The study … Read more

Boys Forfeit Wrestling Championship Because They Refused to Hurt Girls, Feminists Outraged

Real men don’t fight, punch, wrestle, or abuse ladies. That’s the message we should be sending our young people. It is a man’s job to protect women, not overpower them. The boys at Notre Dame-Green Pond, a Catholic-affiliated school, refused to wrestle a 106-pound young woman, forfeiting an important match and forgoing the state championship. … Read more

Liberal Evangelical Overlords Come Unglued

This week our Evangelical Overlords seemingly lined up to expose themselves as malicious leftists, one after another. Here are just a handful of observations: Well-known Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) / The Gospel Coalition (TGC) leader, Ray Ortlund, praised Mitt Romney for voting to convict Trump. Another ERLC/TGC writer (and former Obama staffer!) published … Read more

Leftists Triggered After White Students Win MLK Contest

Dr. Martin Luther King, as flawed as he was as a sex-trafficker and bi-sexual womanizer, taught the virtuous notion of color-blindness. No one should be judged, valued, or despised because of the color of their skin. Today, liberals have kidnapped his legacy and sold it on the auction block of political correctness, denying the fundamentals … Read more

Pastors Concerned About SBC’s Leftward Drift to Meet Prior to Annual Convention

Two men who are primarily responsible for the Southern Baptist Convention’s leftward drift claim that the SBC is not experiencing a leftward drift. Albert Mohler and Danny Akin, two seminary presidents who are stacking their institutions with as many liberals as is humanly possible, made the assertion that the SBC isn’t going liberal earlier this … Read more

United Nations Policy Will Force Abortions On Unwilling People

[Lifesite News] Last November at a summit in Nairobi, the UN Population Fund announced that it would take $264 billion to reduce global maternal deaths and protect women and girls from violence. The agency just released a publication outlining the details of how the billions would be spent — and the fine print includes abortion. One of … Read more

Canadian PM Backpedals on Forcing Licensing on News Bloggers

 (LifeSiteNews) — The Canadian Government backpedaled on comments published by CTV News that the Trudeau Liberals are planning to force news websites and social media to obtain a government license to operate in Canada. Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault spoke during an interview with CTV’s Evan Solomon on the report released last Wednesday that recommends massive expansion of … Read more

Kyle J. Howard Says Super Bowl Performers Acted Whorishly Because They’re Latina

Kyle J. Howard, a privileged professional student who was raised in a high-income white home in an affluent suburb has become an outspoken commentator thanks to high-profile supporters like Beth Moore and Russell Moore. Howard, who lied about being in a secret gang in high school, calls himself a “racial trauma counselor” despite there being … Read more