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Pastor Charged with Running Underaged Sex Ring

A pastor was just arrested by the Cuyahoga Regional Human Trafficking Task Force for underaged sex trafficking. Randolph Brown (64) is the pastor at Inner-City Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland and he was arrested for two counts of “compelling prostitution” during August of 2018. The apparent “madam” of the sex-ring was Joyce Richmond (20) was also arrested (below). … Read more

Following Assassination of Sharia Critic, Phoenix Apologist Claims Few Qualified to Speak on the Subject

Phoenix apologist and elder at Apologia Church, James White, took to Twitter on Sunday morning to rebuke people for not knowing enough about Sharia before criticizing it. According to the apologist, who has engaged in a number of friendly Interfaith Dialogues with Muslim scholars as well as a number of moderated debates, people should have … Read more

SBC Chooses ‘Woke’ Non-SBC Pastor with Female Leaders to Chair ‘Resolutions Committee’

[Capstone Report] How do Southern Baptists feel about women pastors? What about women deacons? Well, we will soon find out. SBC President J.D. Greear named Ed Stetzer as chairman of the 2020 SBC Resolutions Committee. Stetzer has served over two years as Interim Teaching Pastor at Moody Church. And Moody Church has women deaconesses. The … Read more

Shawn Bolz Prophesied Coronavirus is Over. Immediately, the First Patient Died in the U.S.

Charismatics are really good at prophesying. Falsely. Benny Hinn claims to have healed whole hospitals (he was also admitted to one for being sick a while back). Todd Bentley claims to have raised the dead. Kenneth Copeland claims to have made the blind sea and Gloria Copeland promised Christians wouldn’t get the flu last year. Yesterday we … Read more

Outrageous – 10% Of The Biggest Southern Baptist Churches Are Pastored By Women

It’s no secret that the SBC has been monkeying about with its theological foundations as of late, shrugging off the oppressive mantle of complementarianism in exchange for the more lightweight and flexible windbreaker of soft-complementarianism egalitarianism. This despite the fact that the Baptist Faith and Message (BFM) is definitive on the issue: “While both men and women … Read more

Anti-Social Justice Conference Features Disgraced “Pastor” Greg Locke

This weekend, the GK Podcast Network hosted an online event entitled “The Destroy Social Justice Conference.” For a $30 fee, registrants could live stream a number of presentations from the conference’s lineup of speakers. The conference advertised its content and speakers as follows: This lineup of speakers will dive deep into the issue of Social Justice and … Read more

Liberals Put ‘Transgender’ Into Women’s Prison: He Immediately Rapes Women

In January of this year, Pulpit & Pen reported that Democratic presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren, was making campaign promises to place ‘transgender women’ (IE men) into women’s prison for the sake of “equality.” Well, leftists did just that we then placed a male inmate pretending to be a woman into an Illinois correction facility. He … Read more

The ‘Gospel’ Coalition Tries to Shame Pastors into Social Media Silence

The Gospel Coalition, which is largely funded by dark money with trails leading to felonious Clinton money-man, James Riady, is a progressive political organization masquerading as a Christian ministry. Founded by Marxist, Tim Keller, the organization attempts to sway evangelicals from a faithful conservative voting block by injecting the Christian church with liberal notions of … Read more

SBC President, JD Greear, Just Promoted ‘Gospel Diversity’

Okay. Maybe we’re being trolled here. Surely Greear is trying to bait us by using the term “gospel diversity” in a recent message about racial healing. What in the σκύβαλον does that mean? In case you’re wondering, σκύβαλον is the Biblical way to say crap. Rubbish. Malarkey. Huey. Bunk. Hogwash. Twaddle. Bunkum. Drivel. Poppycock. Feces. … Read more

Teen Girl Who Sued to Block Boys From Competing Against Girls Defeats Trans Runner in State Championship

Two days after filing a federal against Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) for permitting boys to compete against girls and win awards, Chelsea Mitchell defeated a biological male who had won numerous titles in girls’ events. Mitchell won the Class S 55-meter dash in 7.18 seconds, defeating biological male, Terry Miller, who came in at … Read more