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Charismatic Prophet Says Coronavirus Would Be Over ‘In an Hour’ If China Gave Religious Freedom

This is getting old, admittedly. We’re trying to chronicle all the crazy things charismatics are saying about the coronavirus. You know, to make fun of them in the future (like God intended). So far we have, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that God had ended the virus. Perhaps Bethel didn’t get the memo. … Read more

“Faith-Healing” Bethel Redding Church Closes Because of Coronavirus

“I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness” Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church Earlier this week, I reported that the notorious New Apostolic Reformation Church, Bethel Redding, was cancelling its sought after “healing room” ministry amid fear of the Coranavirus. Reporting on the same development, the Sacramento Bee provided a quote from, … Read more

Confirmed: Bethel Cancels Faith Healing Because of Coronavirus Concerns

As polemics ministries began to post articles about Bethel Church in Redding, California, canceling their “healing room” events, the church leadership at first lied to supporters, claiming the services were canceled because of staffing conflicts. Pulpit & Pen has received several emails stating so. Michael Klassen contacted Bethel church staff in response to a Pulpit … Read more

Healing Rooms Cancelled Due To Coronavirus Fears

Bethel Church in Redding, CA, the wellspring for all that is evil and unholy in the Charismatic Movement, has purportedly cancelled their healing rooms due to fears of the coronavirus. @bethelchurchandchristianity dropped this post on Instagram: And is reporting: We’ve reached out to Bethel for comment and will update this post as information becomes available.

Actress Credits Abortion For ‘Beautiful Home,’ Hybrid Car At Abortion Rally

Actress and former talk show host, Busy Philipps, recently spoke at a pro-abortion rally held outside of the Supreme Court to protest a Louisiana law demanding abortionists have admitting privileges at local hospitals. Philipps has previously spoken about having an abortion at age 15. In her speech, she credits her abortion for her “beautiful f***ing … Read more

Former Assemblies of God Church to Allow Gay Pastors, Gay Weddings

[Christian News Network] A now-former Assemblies of God (AG) “church” in Texas has announced that its elder board has decided to allow practicing homosexuals to serve in all capacities, including as pastors, and that pastors will be permitted to officiate same-sex ceremonies if so desired. The district office of the AG says it “moved swiftly” … Read more

Dordt University, Bastion of Christian Education, Surrenders to LGBTQ

Robert Taylor

Dordt University has joined the list of “conservative” colleges collapsing into compromise. Dordt is a private Christian Reformed school in Sioux Center, Iowa. To many within the Dutch Reformed world, and especially those connected with Christian education, Dordt is seen as a bastion of conservative thought and a bulwark of orthodox conviction. But, as the … Read more

School Figures Out ‘Gender Neutral’ Bathrooms Are Bad Idea After Student was Ruthlessly Molested

Who could have seen this coming? Well…everyone. Literally everyone could see this coming. The Rhinelander High School in Wisconsin was signaling its ‘woke’ virtue by making a ‘gender-neutral’ bathroom despite the fact that no one in the history of the world has ever had a neutral gender. Science dictates they have one of two genders. … Read more