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I Was Assaulted by Rodney Howard Browne’s Church-Goers, But Even I’m Against His Arrest

Rodney Howard Browne, a wildly charismatic faith-healer and prosperity pastor was arrested yesterday by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s department for continuing to hold worship services despite the king’s decree that the Lord’s Day was effectively canceled. With abortion clinics, liquor stores, and pot dispensaries still open in Florida, Browne’s church defiantly continued to meet. Sheriff … Read more

Video: Triggered Feminist Screams At Street Preacher Amid COVID-19. Update!

Conservative activist Katie Daviscourt upload a video on the weekend of a busybodied woman screeching at street preacher Matthew Wiersema in streets of Seattle, captioned with “Unhinged Feminist has complete mental breakdown & loses her mind over a street preacher not staying at home.” If upon reading that headline you instantly pictured a frazzled, purple-haired … Read more

FACT: Where Abortion Clinics Are Closed, Coronavirus is SAVING More Lives Than It’s Taking

The Republic of Texas placed a temporary moratorium on elective abortion procedures in the wake of the coronavirus panic. Called by leftist media, the “biggest-ever disruption for embattled women’s health providers,” Attorney General Ken Paxton’s decision to close abortuaries is a common-sense provision designed to reserve medical supplies for those trying to save lives. A … Read more

Doctor Sentenced To Prison For Refusing To Perform An Abortion

An Argentine court has upheld the criminal conviction of a gynaecologist who refused to abort the child of a rape victim in 2017. Dr Leandro Rodriguez Lastra was sentenced to a 14-month suspended jail term, plus 28 months of disqualification from holding public office. Dr Rodriguez Lastro will appeal. The victim was a 19-year-old in her fifth … Read more

Ohio AG Demands Clinics Stop Surgical Abortions Immediately

It turns out that executive power grabs in response to the coronavirus aren’t all bad. While many counties across the country (and a few states) are shutting down churches, the Ohio Attorney General just shut down its abortion clinics. So…yip yip yahoo. It only makes sense, in actuality. It’s unclear how much of Ohio’s abortion … Read more

The Abortion Industry Must Shut Down ASAP to Save Medical Supplies for Coronavirus Fight

All elective medical procedures have been urged to halt by national and federal leaders who are desperately trying to save resources for those directly intervening in the fight against coronavirus. Even some dentist offices have shut their doors to all but emergency cases in order to preserve much-needed supplies like gloves, masks, and sanitizing solutions … Read more

Church Of England Limits Weddings To Five People Only (Bride And Groom Included)

The Church of England issued new guidelines on Friday for weddings in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, limiting the participants of the wedding to only 5 – including the bride and groom – and denying children of the couple and other immediate family the ability to witness or participate in the ceremony. In an … Read more

Rodney Howard-Browne Says Churches That Practice Social Distancing Are Comprised Of “Pansies”

Rodney Howard Brown, the darling of the charismatic world who is best known for introducing the blasphemy known as “Holy Laughter” to Christendom some 25 years ago, recently declared from the pulpit that those who temporarily close their churches due to coronavirus fears are “pansies” In a streamed video, Brown can be seen urging his … Read more

Giant Faith-Healer Gathering Canceled Due to Coronavirus

Well, this sounds like satire, but it’s not. The world’s largest gathering of notable faith healers are canceling the grand opening of a faith-healing center because of coronavirus. We reported on the grand opening of the Morris Cerullo Legacy International Center on Saturday, mostly because it has a design that looks like a dollar sign … Read more

Charismatics Spread False Rumor that Chuck Pierce Prophesied Coronavirus (He Did Not)

Steven Strang over at Charisma Mag – who has posted more false prophecy relating to coronavirus than Wuhan has sick-beds – claimed today that “prophet” Chuck Pierce prophesied the coming of coronavirus. He’s also making the claim on his podcast. This claim is spurious and untrue. At the snake-oil blog, Charisma, Strang writes… I recently interviewed … Read more