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Russell Moore Begs Government to Release Unvaccinated Illegals During Pandemic

Russell Moore is the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), a progressive-liberal social justice organization that lately has been shaming pastors for keeping their churches open. Moore is a communitarian and former Democratic activist who once said he wishes his wife was more like Hillary Clinton. Moore has partnered … Read more

FL Sheriff Who Arrested Preacher Let Murderous Inmate Out to Make Room

Liberals have an odd sense of priorities. As with many bleeding-heart crusaders around the country, “amnesty” advocates in Florida lobbied various county and state facilities to let out dangerous convicted criminals in order to protect them from coronavirus. As was perfectly predictable, one of them went on to murder a member of the public. The … Read more

Pastor Who Held Church Service Will Not Obey Police-Mandated Quarantine Order: Faces Up To A Year In Prison

A Kentucky pastor who was one of just seven churches in the state to have in-person Easter services last week has declared he will not comply with a mandatory 14 day quarantine that has been foisted upon him as a result of his decision, along with several other congregants who attended the service at Marysville … Read more

Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer Knapp Serenades

In what has to be the strangest title for a post we’ve ever written, we wanted to bring you this story in case you ever wondered how “different” the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has become. It’s the tale of the ordination of Pastrix Dawn Bennet into the ELCA, and the celebration surrounding that most … Read more

Abortion Abolitionists Are Primarying Pro-Life Republicans In Unprecedented Numbers

Oklahoma is fast becoming the battleground between incumbent pro-life republicans who have squandered their ability to abolish abortion in the state, and abolitionists primary challengers who are determined to oust them because of it. This ideological conflict has been brewing for years. Last month we wrote about how the pro-life republican supermajority killed a bill … Read more

Church Members Taken Into Police Custody And Interrogated On Easter Morning

Members of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China were taken into custody and interrogated after being raided by the Police early Easter morning. Early Rain is considered one of China’s largest underground churches that have not yet registered with the state. This is because of China’s communist party requires that only state-sanctioned and governmental-approved … Read more

Church Parking Lot Vandalized With Piles Of Nails To Prevent Easter Service

The congregation of Maryville Baptist Church in Kentucky was greeted this morning with piles of nails scattered across all the entrances to their church parking lot. According to Sarah Ladd, a reporter for the Courier-Journal: Maryville Baptist Church The congregation of Maryville Baptist Church in Kentucky was greeted this morning with piles of nails scattered … Read more

Republican Governor Condemns Police And Mayor That Fined Churches $500: ‘You are going to have Mississippians revolt.’

In a tweet from earlier today, Republican Governor Tate Reeves came down hard against Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons and local law enforcement for their unconstitutional actions of shutting down all churches, breaking up services, and fining congregants $500.00 for participating in drive-in services. As we wrote about in our post Breaking: Police Assail Another Greenville … Read more

10 Person Baptist Church Again Meets For Services Surrounded By 12 Police Officers

Friendship Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland had service again today, while a dozen officers and two members of the fire department looked on. As we wrote about here, last week the church had their services broken up by police for allegedly violating Maryland’s stay-at-home orders. Despite being compliant and having fewer than 10 people in … Read more

Planned Parenthood Begs Supporters For Sanitizer and Surgical Hats: Fights COVID Hospitals For Supplies

April 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) ― Planned Parenthood is begging supporters for protective equipment and other supplies while other doctors and nurses go without as they try to save the lives of coronavirus patients. Sue Dunlap, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, wrote a message to the abortion giant’s mailing list asking for “all of … Read more

Church Claims Jesus Died Of Coronavirus

Awaken Church, a health and wealth prosperity Church based out of Jonesboro, Arkansas, is claiming that Jesus was the first victim to die of coronavirus, (Editors Note. Possibly foreshadowed in Mathew 15:2? “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.”) The picture comes … Read more

Planned Parenthood Scraps Other Services To Focus On Abortions

Elsewhere in the country, the Covid-19 pandemic has ignited a new battle over abortion rights, with states such as Texas and Ohio attempting to temporarily ban the procedure as non-essential. In Washington, however, coronavirus has not threatened access to abortion—which has been deemed essential in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Not only that, clinics here are taking extra steps, including … Read more