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Pastors Who Claimed Government Can Shut Down Churches Should Be Put on Ecclesiastical Trial for Treason

Evangelical ‘leaders’ wagged their boney fingers at churches and lectured us about government power, insisting that churches could be ordered shut without violating the United States Constitution. However, the Department of Justice has now spoken, and they are authoritatively warning that the orders mandating church closures during the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 were prejudiced … Read more

Department of Justice Says Worship-Bans Illegally Singled Out Churches

In confirmation of what many of us have been saying all along, Donald Trump’s Department of Justice sided with church-goers who sued the State of Virginia after being told they couldn’t corporately worship. The statement from the DOJ is sure to have far-reaching implications for religious liberty around the country. Eric Dreiband, the leader of … Read more

Scholarly Refutation: Rosaria Butterfield Rebutted In New Book

Rosaria Butterfield’s The Gospel Comes With A House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World, an account which uses her own conversion story of radical lesbian to Christian housewife as a backdrop for telling how Christians can use “radical, ordinary hospitality” to bring the Gospel to lost friends and neighbors, has come under … Read more

Harvard Anti-Homeschool Conference Cancelled!

A conference at Harvard Law School for critics and educators opposed to home education has been cancelled, according to sources. The “Homeschooling Summit: Problems, Politics, and Prospects for Reform” conference was sponsored by the Harvard Law School Child Advocacy Program and in cooperation with several anti-abuse groups. It was designed to “convene leaders in education … Read more

Study: Last Year Only 4% of Sermons Mentioned Abortion

” A new Pew Research Center analysis finds that just 4% of sermons shared on U.S. church websites in the spring of 2019 discussed abortion even once – and when they did, it was rarely mentioned repeatedly. “ To arrive at their conclusions, the center analyzed nearly 50,000 sermons either shared online or live-streamed by over … Read more

Columbus Media Giant NBC4i Gaslights and Racebaits Instead of Reporting News

Guest Post by Michael Coughlin The COVID-19 situation has resulted in millions of Americans being stripped of their livelihoods. Hundreds of Ohioans have decided to love their neighbors through peaceful demonstrations outside the Ohio Statehouse, petitioning their government through the very means recognized by the Bill of Rights. One Ohio “journalist,” Colleen Marshall, has decided to question the first … Read more

Pastors Now Concerned Members Will Stay Home to Watch Online, Even When Lockdown Ends

[Christian News Network] A research organization that seeks to “consider attitudes and behaviors that significantly impact spiritual growth” says that some pastors are concerned that a percentage of professing Christians won’t attend church once the pandemic is past but will continue to stay home and watch online. “How church leaders plan and respond now will … Read more

Kenneth Copeland Says God Foiled Devil’s Plans For COVID-19 By Cleaning up Atmosphere

Kenneth Copeland, professed billionaire and MBABIC -that’s ‘Michael Brown Affirmed Brother In Christ’ for the uninitiated- continues to delight meme-makers who have taken to utilizing his sermons and making wonderfully entertaining videos out of them. Gesticulating wildly, Copeland proffered in a sermon snippet yesterday that the devil and his minions either caused or created the … Read more

‘ReOpen Church Sunday’ Campaign Launched To Urge Mass Church Openings On May 3

As churches across the country remain overwhelmingly closed, and a smattering of anti-lockdown protests begin to creep up and bloom, Liberty Council just announced that they were launching an initiative created to get congregants gathered back together and having legitimate services, and not exclusively through the interwebs. The date set for the churches to … Read more

Democrats Demand Aborted Baby Tissue Be Used in Vaccine Research

Several Democratic representatives have written an open letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, calling on him to immediately lift restrictions on human fetal tissue research, which they say are preventing scientists and researchers from finding ways to potentially prevent, treat, and cure the coronavirus. Reps U.S. Reps. Diana DeGette (D-CO), Jared Huffman … Read more

Liberal Church Celebrates Earth Day, Even Though They Were Closed on Easter

[Montana Daily Gazette] The Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ in Billings is a gay-friendly and ‘transgender’ welcoming congregation that doesn’t require you to hold to any kind of belief, confession, or creed to take part in their services. Their congregation didn’t have ‘church’ on Sunday or on Easter, but they still got together today … Read more

Only 3% Of Church-Goers Likely Attended In-Person or Drive-In Easter Services

According to PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute), ‘a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting independent research at the intersection of religion, culture, and public policy,’ around 3% of ‘typically churchgoers’ planned to attend in-person or drive-in church services. Now the poll is certainly skewed, being based on a relatively small sample size (588 people) and … Read more

Over 5600 Planned Parenthood Clinics Have Closed As A Result Of COVID-19.

According to a report released by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the recent pandemic is having a major impact on their ability to deliver “reproductive healthcare” around the world, particularly abortions. Reporting that 5663 of their 40,000 clinics across 64 countries have been shuttered, this number represents about 14% of their members which operate primarily … Read more

Michael Brown Peddles Long Lost Prophecies From David Wilkerson

Dr. Michael Brown recently ruminated on whether or not a recently unearthed, possibly forged prophecy by none other than David Wilkerson could be a legitimate word of God. If you’re not familiar with that name, Wilkerson was an American evangelist, pastor, and charismatic darling. He was best known for his book “The Cross And The … Read more