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Todd White Given Copy of ‘American Gospel’ Movie: Calls it ‘Demonically Inspired’

A video made the rounds late last night which features arch-heretic Todd White reacting – less than positively – at finding out he was featured in the American Gospel movie. The film was given to him by a friend, who was hoping he would repent of his theological chicanery, but it was not to be … Read more

Woman Sued by Ravi Zacharias Asks to be Released from NDA

The woman who was sued by the recently deceased Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias is asking his family to release her from her non-disclosure agreement (NDA) so that she can tell her side of the story about what transpired between them in the wake of his death. The story of why that NDA was signed and … Read more

Christian Post Takes Beth Moore to Woodshed for Her Liberal Hypocrisy

In a fantastic article today, the Christian Post lambasted wild-eyed prophet and feminist warrior, Beth Moore, for her woefully apparent liberal hypocrisies. The article, written by Laura Murphy, was truly word-candy for America’s conservative evangelicals who have grown tired of her thoughtless liberalisms, moral preenings, and soulless virtue-signaling. Entitled Beth Moore and Double Standards for … Read more

MS Church that Refused to Shut Down Amid Pandemic Set On Fire by Arsonists

A Pentecostal church in Holly Springs, Mississipi that was refusing to shut down amid the pandemic and continuing to have services has burned down in an apparent act of arson. A call came into the police around 2:30am Wednesday morning that First Pentecostal Church was ablaze. Firefighters arrived on the scene but the whole structure … Read more

California PTA Hires Planned Parenthood to Teach Sex Education to 5th Graders

A Sacramento-area Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has secretly contracted the baby-killing organization Planned Parenthood to teach sexual education to elementary school students, according to Capital Resource Institute. Instruction of California’s Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) is usually provided by 7th-grade life science teachers and high school biology teachers, though schools and teachers may partner with outside … Read more

All Charges Against Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne Dropped

Rodney Howard-Browne, one of the very first pastors arrested and charged for violating stay-at-home orders for having in-person church services, has had all charges against him dropped, according to a Liberty Counsel statement. The biblically illiterate and heretical pastor was taken into custody March 30 after the sheriff said the church violated a countywide “safer-at-home” … Read more

70+ Healing Ministries Unite for Online Conference after In-Person Gathering Canceled due to COVID-19 Fears

The International Association of Healing Ministries cancelled their massive conference that was to take place in Porta, Portugal this year, and instead will be having an online conference instead due to being constrained by the coronavirus. We reached out and asked the logical question of why not just have the event and heal everyone, given … Read more

Confronted! Albert Mohler Declines Clinton Apology in Light of Trump Endorsement

In a recent interview with Religion News Services, SBTS President Albert Mohler was directly pressed by journalist Jonathan Merritt on whether or not he’d give Bill Clinton an apology after famously lamenting in 2016, “If I were to support, much less endorse, Donald Trump for president, I would actually have to go back and apologize … Read more

Another Online Church Bible Study Flooded With Child Pornography

In an event that is becoming more and more common, a California church has filed a class-action lawsuit against Zoom after a recent bible study class was inundated with pornographic images depicting abuse upon minors. Saint Paulus Lutheran Church, in San Francisco, CA decided to sue the video conferencing platform after they were the victims … Read more

President of D. James Kennedy Ministries Blasts SBC, Revoice, PCA, and Christianity Today

In an op-ed that we would have gladly posted here at Pulpit and Pen, Frank Wright, president and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries, warmed the cockles of our hearts when he took to the proverbial woodshed several organizations, entities and ministries that are definitely behaving badly and could using a good whupping. Titled Biblical … Read more

Where are they Now? Updates on 3 Churches that Defied Stay-at-home Orders

The Church in Canada. We wrote about the Church of God in Canada HERE. The church was having a drive- in-service which was prohibited by the government, as no more than 5 people are allowed to “gather.” The police showed up and filmed the services and threatened arrest and fines, but they appeared to have … Read more

Pope on Twitter: ‘World Religions Invited to Unite Spiritually in Prayer and Fasting’

Pope Francis continued his wayward schemes by inviting believers of every religion- Muslims, Animists, Neo-Pagans, Charismatics, Satanists, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Christians, Jainists, Shintoism, Jedists, and every other religion under the sun to ” unite themselves spiritually in a day of prayer, fasting and works of charity, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus.” … Read more

Church’s Online Service Invaded with Child Pornography

(Montana Daily Gazette) Perhaps “virtual church services” aren’t as good as the real thing after all. In what amounts to possibly the worst act of online terrorism possible, a church in Billings has had its Zoom worship service invaded with child pornography. Even though Governor Bullock gave permission to churches to meet in person (with … Read more