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Wokeness is a New Religion and Christians Are Converting En Masse

As a student and teacher in the counter-cult movement for many years, I have both studied and taught how new faith-systems spawn from infancy and grow into full-fledged organized religions. It is my assessment, in no uncertain terms, that what America is witnessing is the birth of a new religion that will dwarf all other … Read more

Pastor Who Tore Up ‘Cease and Desist Letter’ Under Renewed Threat From Government Bullies

The Maryland pastor who made national news when he took to the pulpit and publicly tore up a cease-and-desist letter issued to him by the local government for having in-person services as he proclaimed, “Newsflash: Pharoah doesn’t get to dictate to God’s people how they worship their God!” has issued a fiery response to Baltimore … Read more

Protester Delivers Backhanded, Passive -Aggressive ‘Prayer’ After Police Officer Refuses to ‘Take a Knee’

As more and more police literally kneel before BLM protesters, in an act that best case is in solidarity with them, and worst case is in submission to them, A Lowell Police Officer is under scrutiny after he willingly agrees to pray with protesters while standing his ground and refusing “take a knee” before them. … Read more

Hundreds of Armed Citizens Patrol City In Idaho as News of Possible Antifa Presence Spreads

As looters and members of Antifa terrorize the nation and bring violence and looting in their wake, one city in Idaho who heard they might be next was having none of it. Upon rumor that violent protestors and rioters were considering descending upon Coeur d’ Alene, a small city in Idaho with a population of … Read more

Bishop More Upset at Trump Taking Pictures in Front of Church than at Arsonists who Tried to Burn it Down

President Trump stood before the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church in downtown Washington, DC, late Monday evening, in a move that has outraged critics and the leaders of the church. Known as the “church of the presidents.” St. John’s Episcopal Church was built in 1815 and every president since James Madison has attended at least … Read more

Militant Butch Lady Preacher Says White Hymn-Writers Never Experienced Suffering

In November of 2018, Jackie Hill Perry tweeted out that the Gospel did not belong to the “white man.” I tweeted out the obvious; neither is Christianity the exclusive property of militant, butch black women. The Internet then exploded. I haven’t been back to Twitter since. Apparently, militant butch black women can say any horrendous … Read more

Will Rioting Arsonists Remember Planned Parenthood’s War on Blacks?

As lawless criminals dishonor the memory of George Floyd be victimizing innocent people and terrorizing whole cities, arsonists have had a field day setting buildings across the inner cities ablaze. Often failing to differentiate between black-owned businesses and others, these opportunistic fire-crickets have torched countless places of commerce belonging to people of all ethnicities. More … Read more

Oregon Street Preacher Awarded $50,000 from City After being Targeted by Cops

The city of Portland has agreed to pay Mark Mayberry, an anti-abortion street preacher, $50,000 for being targeted by police and barred from open-air preaching in a public park. Though initially suing for over $300,000, both parties agreed to the negotiated settlement after it became apparent that the city didn’t have a leg to stand … Read more

Trump Set to Sign Executive Order on Social Media Censorship Today

President Trump is poised to sign an executive order this morning aimed at social media companies, according to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. The move comes a day after Twitter incurred the President’s unpleasant wrath by affixing a “fact-check” warning on one of the president’s tweets for the first time, which has sparked the latest skirmish. … Read more

Abortionist Lies on Police Report to Get Pro-Life Activists Arrested

[Lifesite News] According to a police report obtained by LifeSiteNews, an abortion clinic director in Grand Rapids, Michigan told law enforcement that two women during a May 13 Red Rose Rescue “entered” the clinic. The two women were subsequently arrested for trespassing. The pro-life rescuers claim, however, that they did not enter the clinic. This LifeSiteNews reporter was … Read more

48% of Churchgoers Have Not Watched any Online Services in Last 4 Weeks

The Barna Group is reporting some devastating survey results regarding the online habits of Christians that have been streaming online services during the pandemic while their churches have shut down. The results are depressing, but not unexpected when you consider the weight of what these churches committed to. We cannot find the study yet or … Read more