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Abortionist Lies on Police Report to Get Pro-Life Activists Arrested


[Lifesite News] According to a police report obtained by LifeSiteNews, an abortion clinic director in Grand Rapids, Michigan told law enforcement that two women during a May 13 Red Rose Rescue “entered” the clinic. The two women were subsequently arrested for trespassing. The pro-life rescuers claim, however, that they did not enter the clinic. This LifeSiteNews reporter was also on site, videotaping and photographing the rescue from 8:15am until 12:00pm and can confirm that neither of the two women who were arrested entered the facility.

The police report says that the clinic’s “office manager” informed law enforcement that several of the rescuers “entered the building” and “needed to be told to leave.” That claim, police later told Grand Rapids’ NBC affiliate WOOD-TV 8, is what led them to arrest the protestors for “trespassing.”

More than a dozen pro-life activists standing on the sidewalk outside the clinic can also confirm that the two women who were arrested never entered the facility. At no point does extensive video evidence of the rescue show the arrested women entering the abortion clinic. 

The rescue was the fourth to be held in Michigan since September 2017. It was organized by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, a Michigan-based pro-life group led by veteran activist Dr. Monica Miller. Miller was joined in the rescue effort by Matthew Connolly, Ann Norton, Robert “Doc” Kolavy, Caroline Davis, and Heather Idoni, ranging in ages 21 to 70.

Five trespassing violations were issued but only Davis and Idoni were handcuffed and brought to jail, allegedly, according to the police report, for having entered the clinic.SUBSCRIBEto LifeSite’s daily headlinesSUBSCRIBEU.S. Canada World Catholic

Miller told LifeSiteNews she entered the facility’s stairwell earlier in the morning. She left on her own accord, however, and was not arrested. 

Although the clinic director’s name was redacted in the police report, LifeSite discovered her identity after a simple internet search. Kelly Benzin-Brinks is listed on LinkedIn as being the Counseling Supervisor at Heritage Clinic for Women since October 2019. She previously served as the reproductive counselor at the clinic. 

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Stephen Kokx and first published at Lifesite News]