[Montana Daily Gazette] The Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ in Billings is a gay-friendly and ‘transgender’ welcoming congregation that doesn’t require you to hold to any kind of belief, confession, or creed to take part in their services. Their congregation didn’t have ‘church’ on Sunday or on Easter, but they still got together today to celebrate Mother Earth and plant a garden to commemorate Earth Day.
The congregation claims to be a “Just Peace / Open & Affirming Congregation” and advocates for a list of “justice” issues that most churches consider to sin according to the Holy Bible. The church website states that they, “welcome into this community of faith people of every age, education level, gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic background, marital status, socioeconomic status, and/or physical and mental ability.”
The congregation maintains a “Creation Justice Task Force,” which advocates for environmental extremism and a general diminishing of human flourishing in deference to climate alarmism.

Called the “Milkweed for Monarchs” program, the church is hoping that the plants will pollinate neighboring flora species that will, in turn, help the Monarch butterfly. The church is a member of the United Churches of Christ, a pro-abortion denomination that advocates for what they call “Reproductive Justice.”
The denominational website says, “…the UCC has joined with other faith groups to protect women’s equal and fair access to abortion and family planning.”
Dead babies aside, the congregation is at least trying to keep insects alive as a part of their “justice” initiatives.

The church’s website includes a statement from their pastor, “After conversations with our Moderator and Moderator Elect, I have decided to cancel our worship service this Sunday. Epidemiologists have instructed us that one of the most important things we can do to slow the spread of Covid-19 is to practice social distancing, I think it is prudent to cancel our worship service at this time. I want us to err on the side of caution.”
As you can see in the photos above, social distancing was not maintained at their Earth Day celebration. The Gazette asked the church why they were closed on Easter and other Sunday but didn’t fear the virus to engage in environmental activism. Our request for comment was not returned by the time of publication.
[Publisher’s Note: This article was first published at Montana Daily Gazette, title changed by PNP News]