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Liberal White United Methodists Toss Out Conservative Africans

News Division

United Methodists in the U.S. do not have “open minds, open hearts, and open doors” to their brothers from Africa, who tend to be more conservative than them. Conservative Africans were just given the left boot of fellowship by liberal UMC pastors in the United States.

Pulpit & Pen first wrote about this subject in February 2019 in the article The Africans Who Stopped White Liberals From Further Ruining the United Methodist Church. Now, the white liberals in the U.S. have had their way and ended fellowship with the Africans who were holding tight on the Bible’s position on homosexuality.

The “United” Methodist Church has officially approved a plan to split the denomination on the subject of sodomy, with white liberals going one way and black conservatives going the other. We wrote about this in the article last week entitled, United Methodists Decide to Split Denomination Over Sodomy Disagreement.

Grayson Quay wrote an interesting article about this today in the American Conservative entitled Liberal Methodists Toss Out The Africans and it bears some attention.

Quay writes, “The same liberals who accuse conservative Christians of denying “the image of God in…people of color and LGBTQ people” have chosen to intentionally sever themselves from a thriving Christian community of color.

This is woke white cultural imperialism at its most naked.

Quay continues, “In the first heady days of the Methodist movement, John Wesley’s enthusiasm for the gospel inspired William Wilberforce to abolish the Atlantic slave trade. With this decision to split, Wesley’s misguided followers have disgraced his memory by eagerly abandoning their African brothers and sisters.”

Isn’t it interesting that the most ‘woke’ contingent of bleeding heart liberals in the United States – mostly white – are so eager to disenfranchise and disfellowship from people of color?