A student at Reformed Theological Seminary has pointed concerned Christians to an extremist Critical Race Theory syllabus taught by Dr. Sean Michael Lucas, the Chancellor’s Professor of Church History.
The syllabus is currently available online (we have also uploaded it to our servers in the event of its inevitable deletion). The curriculum on the syllabus is every bit as radical (in fact, substantially more so) than the 14 pages of class notes by Jarvis Williams at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, which Pulpit & Pen released previously this year.

Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS), run by ‘woke’ Social Gospel proponent, Ligon Duncan, is heavily funded by Bill Clinton’s felonious billionaire financier, James Riady. Riady was kicked out of the country after pleading guilty to a litany of crimes related to illegally laundering foreign cash into the American political system. These days, Riady funds evangelical institutions like RTS instead of politicians (who cannot risk taking his cash or face prison).
The institutions funded by Riady, who is a member of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and the Clinton’s Global Initiative, are the ones starting Social Justice Departments and pushing Cultural Marxism like RTS.
The syllabus includes as a part of its curriculum reading from radical race-baiters and dividers of the church, Anthony Bradley, Jemar Tisby (both reparation-promoting Democrats) and W.E.B. DuBois (who joined the Communist Party at the age of 93). Recommended reading for the class includes Black Liberation Theologian (and over-all heretic who denied essential Christian doctrines), James Cone.
The syllabus says that Bradley, Tisby, and DuBois are “key voices in the Christian tradition” on the subject of race relations. In should be noted, in particular, that DuBois believed that capitalism was the root cause of racism, and he also denied essential truths of the Christian faith including the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture and penal substitutionary atonement.
The goal of the class, according to the syllabus, is to “Introduce the student to biblical-theological material on race, emphasizing God’s mission
to forge a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural people in and through Christ.”
“Multi-culturalism” is a catchphrase of Critical Theory, and implies that instead different identity groups merging into a singular identity (like that found in Christ), identity groups should be magnified and exaggerated to cause class or identity-related conflict. It’s another term for “identity politics.”
God’s goal is not to foster “multi-culturalism,” but mono-culturalism through trans-ethnic assimilation to the Gospel.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).
God is calling people out of every tribe, tongue and nation (Revelation 7:9) into one unified people group. Multi-culturalism, as the term is used in Critical Theory, is contrary to racial reconciliation and Gospel centeredness.
You can see the horrific, brain-washing leftist indoctrination here.