Please enjoy this E-book version of “A Patriot’s Catechism of the United States Constitution” by JD Hall. This content is exclusively for our Patrons.
The catechism is 344 questions, designed to help your family understand the United States Constitution, each article therein, and every amendment to the Constitution.
You can currently get the book in a pdf or an ebook version. After further format-editing, it will be available for sale on Amazon and Crown and Cross Books. However, a paper version will be sent for free to all Expositor-level patrons of P&P and up.
In the meantime, please enjoy this ebook (as linked in pdf or ebook attachments in this post at Patreon). If you’re not yet a Pulpit & Pen Patreon supporter, click here now to get exclusive content like this, exclusive audio, and more!
God bless you!