A group of pro-life students from TFP, a Catholic organization dedicated to preserving family, tradition and property, was attacked by an unruly pro-abortion mob.
The pro-life students were attacked, with one man getting spit on, another getting soda poured on his head. The TFP website states:
One of the youngest TFP volunteers wore a wrist brace because of recent sports injury. When pro-abortion students noticed the brace, they asked him about it. He politely explained that he was recovering from an injury. With malice, a pro-abortion activist struck his injured arm to cause pain and harm.
According to TFP, participants in the mob yelled:
“I eat baby lungs for breakfast.”
“It’s a sin to tell a woman what to do with her body.”
“I’m in favor of slaughtering 1,000 babies if that helps already born babies have a better life.”
“Hey-hey ho-ho the pro-lifers have got to go.”
The video below contains “bleeped out” curse words, the mob appears at the 5:50 mark.
TFP’s official report can be found here.