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Doctor Fired For Basing Gender on Real Science

[Christian Legal Centre] An experienced Christian doctor who was forced out of his job working for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after refusing to use transgender pronouns has lost his Employment Tribunal case. The tribunal ruled that his belief in the Biblical view of what it is to be male and female was ‘incompatible … Read more

The “Gospel” Coalition Warns Against Getting News Outside Mainstream Media

The progressive-leftist “Gospel Coalition” warned its readers today against getting news from anywhere besides Mainstream Media (MSM), which is a hegemonic bastion of Democrat propaganda. The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a political organization funded by socialist Dark Money that masquerades as a Christian ministry. A large percentage of its articles are oriented toward leftist political … Read more

Planned Parenthood to Open Secret “Mega Clinic” Abortion Mall

Planned Parenthood is building a shopping-mall size “mega clinic” that will be the largest child-murdering center in the United States. The abortuary is being built in Illinois in order to capitalize on abortion clinic closures in neighboring Missouri. Located only 13 miles away from the last abortion clinic to be shut down in Missouri, the … Read more

C3 Megachurch Busted By Mainstream News for Being Prosperity Cult

After tireless efforts to expose an Australian megachurch for its filthy prosperity gospel and shameless pursuit of filthy lucre, we pray that discerning friends Down Under have a moment of reprieve after the mainstream media covered the C3 cult over the weekend. A Current Affair (Australia) did a lengthy expose’ on the prosperity cult, which … Read more

Church of Sweden Rings Bells to Worship Greta Thunberg

The Church of Sweden in Malmö, the nation’s third-largest denomination, will ring its bells in sacrilegious honor of a teenager’s “global climate strike.” The ringing of church bells has traditionally signified it was time to worship God or commemorate holy days. It is unknown exactly what teenagers will be striking from, but there’s not much they … Read more

Professor Claims Tom Brady’s Popularity is Tied to a Rise in “White Rage and White Supremacy”

University of Rhode Island’s professor Kyle Kusz published a book titled “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump and the Allure of White Omnipotence in Post-Obama America” in which he claims the popularity of Tom Brady is due to white supremacy. In this book he touches on his belief that Tom Brady, … Read more

Rejected by Southwest Baptist University, Hero Whistle-Blowing Professor to Serve the U.S. Army

Nearly 10 months after being terminated from Southwest Baptist University for exposing blatant heresy, Clint Bass has been commissioned for a new career. With the blessing of his church, he will now begin training as an Army chaplain. Clint Bass was terminated from employment at Southwest Baptist University—with no severance—on November 28th, 2018. Pulpit and … Read more

Gender-Confused Boy Re-Baptized as Girl, at Age 7

[Lifesite News] LIVERPOOL, England, September 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Amid the rapidly spreading contagion of child transgenderism, a U.K. mom now proudly claims that her child “became the youngest trans toddler … at just three years of age.” The boy’s mother, Jeneen Schofield, said her young son “sensed” he should be living as a girl … Read more

Drugs Used to Block Puberty in ‘Transgender’ Kids Are Killing THOUSANDS

The National Health Service in England is investigating more than 6 thousand deaths that have been caused by drugs being given to confused kids with abusive parents who are trying to stop their bodies’ natural maturation process. These drugs, which have been used in legitimate health crises such as prostate cancer, are designed to block … Read more

Beth Moore’s Wicked Daughter Calls God’s Promise to Noah “Nonsense”

Beth Moore’s hostile, militant, and recently divorced daughter, Melissa Moore, recently derided a Southern Baptist pastor who reminded the Fox News audience that God promised Noah not to flood the world again. Apparently, Moore thought the Nohaic Covenant is “nonsense.” This follows on the heels of many other angry, leftist tweets from Ms. Melissa Moore … Read more

Beth Moore Pits Apostle Paul Against Jesus in Latest Blunder, Adopts “Red Letter” Heresy

In her latest slide into apostasy, Beth Moore ‘cast shade’ upon the Apostle Paul, who wrote 13 of the New Testament’s 27 books. Claiming that she would rather follow Jesus than Paul, as though the two disagree, the wild-eyed Social Justice princess just ventured down a damnable doctrinal road. As Beth Moore becomes increasingly liberal … Read more