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Trump First President to Focus on Religious Freedom at U.N.

[CBN] Donald Trump has become the first US President to ever host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities,” Trump told the nations of the world on Monday. In his keynote address to the UN, President Trump pointed to alarming statistics showing … Read more

Ironic: Woke “Relevant Magazine” CEO Accused by Staff of Racism and Bigotry

Relevant Magazine is a ‘woke’ evangelical news publication, whose primary journalistic purpose is making cultural worldliness theologically palpable. The progressive-liberal religious magazine, who according to Alexa stats shares Popularity Gospel sites Desiring God and The Gospel Coalition as its top referrers, was pushing wokeness before it was cool. However, as ironic as Justin Trudeau in … Read more

Clayton Jennings Arrested for Assault and Threat to Do Violence Against Woman

Clayton Jennings, the serial spiritual abuser and seeming sex addict who continues to maintain a ‘ministry’ following and fanbase after being denounced by his mentor and having his ministry license revoked for unrepentance, has been arrested for assault and a threat to do violence. The alleged victim was a woman. Jennings launched a tirade against … Read more

WATCH: Alabama High School Students Defy Freedom From Religion Foundation, Recite Lord’s Prayer At Football Game

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, based in Wisconsin, sent a letter to Alabama’s Opelika High School complaining about students expressing Christian beliefs on school grounds. This complaint pressured the district to swap a loudspeaker pre-game prayer for a “moment of silence.”  The letter, obtained by Alabama News, cited the concerns of a parent who felt alienated … Read more

Planned Parenthood Ripping BEATING HEARTS From Babies to Sell As ‘Spare Parts’

You might remember in the news when prosecutors decided to charge two investigative journalists from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) with 14 felony counts for taping confidential information without consent, which ultimately exposed that Planned Parenthood was trafficking in baby body parts. What you might not have known until today is that Planned Parenthood … Read more

Chinese Christians Throwing Away Bibles to Raise ‘Social Credit Score’

According to the South China Morning Post, Christians in China have been visited by government officials and told that to raise their ‘Social Credit Score,’ they needed to replace all religious imagery with portraits of Communist leaders and replace the Holy Bible with Communist quotations. According to the news reports, hundreds of thousands of Chinese … Read more

Arkansas News Station Misgenders Sex Offender. Here, We Fixed It.

When journalists report the news, they should do so accurately without any sway or pressure from outside forces like political correctness, popular consensus, or bizarre appeasement to those with debilitating mental disorders. An Arkansas news site has embarrassingly misgendered this man as a woman throughout their article. You can tell that he’s a man because…he’s … Read more

MSNBC Slightly Embarrassed by Results of Online Gun Poll

No television news network is quite as invested in the anti-gun lobby as MSNBC, where liberty-hating idealogues can be found arguing against the Second Amendment almost nightly. However, an online poll being conducted by MSNBC on the subject seems to have backfired. Apparently feeling bold from nearly a month of constant attacks on gun ownership … Read more

ERLC Releases Soros-Approved Immigration Propaganda Guide for Children

The Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC, which serves as the denomination’s left-of-center political lobbying arm, has released a propaganda guide “How to talk to your kids about immigration” to help brainwash your kids on this complicated national security issue. The ERLC is a “head member organization” of the George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table (as the screenshot … Read more

Weeks After “Repenting,” Benny Hinn Just Preached Prosperity Seed-Faith Giving AGAIN. Here’s the Video.

Less than 48 hours ago, Benny Hinn promised blessings in exchange for a seed-faith offering to his ministry. This is after convincing many that he was abandoning that typical but tragic charismatic teaching. You might know that Benny Hinn professed repentance for teaching the false prosperity gospel and its primary tenet, the seed-faith offering. You … Read more

Amy Klobuchar Inadvertently Makes Perfect Argument for Concealed Carry

In the third democratic debate tonight, Amy Klobuchar accidentally made the perfect defense for concealed carry. Klobuchar was asked “Where do you stand on mandatory gun buy-backs?” Her response shows how necessary it is to be able to protect yourself and those around you. “In Dayton, Ohio where in thirty seconds one man guns down … Read more