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Remembering the Day When Islam Attacked America

[The Objective Standard] One religion today regularly motivates large numbers of its followers to murder, behead, rape, and enslave people across the globe. That religion is Islam. Not Christianity. Not Judaism. Not Buddhism. Islam. Only Islam. You know this. I know this. Everyone paying attention knows this. The Koran explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to … Read more

Buttigieg’s Brother-in-Law (a Pastor) Just Publicly Called Him to Repent for Twisting Scripture on Abortion

Pete Buttigieg, the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who is running for president on the Democratic ticket claimed on Friday that the Bible justifies late-term abortions. However, Buttigieg’s brother-in-law, an evangelical pastor, is speaking out against Buttigieg and says that he’s twisting the Scripture to promote a “false religion.” Pastor Rhyan Glezman, 34, is a … Read more

Interview with Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Media

Chris Rosebrough is the founder of Pirate Christian Media and operates the Fighting for the Faith podcast. Rosebrough is a Lutheran polemicist and has a longstanding career in discernment ministry, opposing Word-Faith heretics, the prosperity gospel charlatans, and hyper-charismatics. JD and Chris discuss changes in the world of discernment since they first began their respective … Read more

Attack on Falwell By Gay Writer Likely Instigated by Liberty U Professor, Karen Swallow Prior

A hit-piece by a homosexual activist against Jerry Falwell, Jr is making the rounds through the national press today. Brandon Ambrosino, writing for Politico, describes a supposed ‘culture of fear’ at Liberty University. As Falwell is no doubt reeling from Ambrosino’s smear-job, he needs to be reminded that the LGBTQ activist is a mentee of … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves Evangelical Faith

A prominent gay ‘Christian’ journalist and son of former a SBC president, Jonathan Merritt, announced his apostasy on Twitter over the weekend. Merritt joins Joshua Harris, Marty Sampson, and a string of others who have renounced their Christian faith over the last few weeks. We have written about Merritt many times before, including the post … Read more

No, Benny Hinn Has Not Repented

[The Midwestern Baptist] A video was posted yesterday in which Benny Hinn—the famed prosperity preacher and faith healing hack—seemingly repents of his prosperity preaching. In the video (which you can view here), Hinn says the following:  “I will tell you now something that I think is going to shock you. I think it’s an offense to … Read more

Uh-Oh: 14 Pages of Jarvis Williams’ SBTS Class Notes Teaching CRT, False Gospel Now Released

Pulpit & Pen is releasing 14 pages of class hand-outs from Jarvis Williams at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). The hand-outs, created by Williams, demonstrates that he has taught radicalized Critical Theory, a false gospel, and is trying to indoctrinate SBC students with theological and political leftism. The Scripture-twisting demonstrated in these documents is truly … Read more

Jerry Falwell Jr Endorses Pro-Gay Candidate, Invites Him to Fundraiser Because of “Shared Values”

Denver Riggleman, (R-VA) married two same-sex campaign volunteers, Alex Pisciarino and Anthony LeCounte, at King Family Vineyards several weeks ago. He then received a vote of ‘no confidence’ by his local Republican Central Committee. However, tonight Riggleman proudly posted a letter of endorsement from Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of Liberty University. Falwell said he … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Writings Defending Marxism, Terrorists, Anti-Semites Now Discovered

A popular contributor to Social Justice institutions like The Gospel Coalition and 9 Marks, Ron Burns (who now goes by the name Thabiti Anyabwile) wrote articles defending Marxism and radical anti-American and anti-Semitic terrorists. Anyabwile is a leading figure in the new Evangelical Left. And yet, the sin of racism seems to stain his past … Read more

“This Will Teach You” — Heartless 911 Operator Scolds Drowning Woman Trapped in Vehicle

Last Saturday, Debbie Stevens, 47, of Fort Smith, Arkansas drowned in her SUV, which had been swept into a creek during a flash-flood. The tragedy is making national headlines due to the remarkably callous treatment Debbie Stevens received from the 911 dispatcher, Donna Reneau, just moments before her death. “I’m scared. I’ve never had anything … Read more

Crazed Knifewoman Stabs Child in Face—One More Reason to Carry a Firearm

It is unbelievable, but it happened. Multiple outlets are reporting that Tuesday a woman in Tbilisi, Georgia pulled a large knife and stabbed a random 3-year-old boy who was passing by with his family. The perpetrator acted nonchalant, but when the mother’s head was turned, she took the child by the head and carved two … Read more

Rick Joyner Says Bentley Should Be Restored AGAIN and Accusers Are Guilty of ‘Witchcraft’

Influential Word-Faith and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Apostle, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, has claimed that Todd Bentley’s sexual accusers “have the spirit of witchcraft.” Joyner was named by Bentley as having known all along about his continued sexual immorality but chose instead to cover it up. Todd Bentley – who was restored to the … Read more