Lee Livengood, a principal at Liberty High School in West Virginia, bravely stood up for science and objective biological truth when he demanded that a girl use her correct bathroom. After initially losing his contract due to public outrage, Livengood has been hired back by the school.
The girl, who goes by a fake name, ‘Michael’ (which was neither given by her parents or legally changed), claimed that she was a boy. Going into the wrong restroom, Livengood waited for her to finish and then asked her why she was in the wrong facility. When the girl said she was a boy, the principal asked for evidence.
The girl didn’t have any evidence that she was a boy, and so she couldn’t provide any. She just claimed that she felt like a boy. Principal Livengood pointed out to her that in spite of her feelings, she was sitting down in the restroom, and was unable to use the urinal.
This line of reasoning from the principal enraged leftists, who were upset at the flagrant common sense on behalf of Livengood. If a woman who thinks she is a man has to urinate, being forced to doing it sitting down ought to make her rethink things. Some suggested the Livengood was somehow perverted for pointing out the obvious.
Reportedly, the principal yelled (with common sense) “Why are you in here? You shouldn’t be in here.”
The girl said this line of question traumatized her.
After being dismissed for four days without pay, the principal was rehired and is starting in his position again this Fall.
The girl is suing the school through the ACLU, who thinks girls should be able to go from peeing urinating down in the women’s room to urinating sitting down in the men’s room.
Loree Stark, the ACLU of West Virginia leader said, “Time and time again, we have attempted in good faith to work with Harrison County Schools to create a safe environment for Michael and others like him, but school officials have not taken this seriously.”
Embarrassingly, the ACLU got the students’ gender wrong and called her a him. The student is a female who only thinks they are male.
The lawsuit against the school alleges, “false imprisonment” (for keeping Critchfield in the restroom for a moment to lecture her about using the correct restroom), “sexual harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligent retention hiring.”
[Editor’s Note: Source link]