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Gender-Confused Boy Re-Baptized as Girl, at Age 7

News Division

[Lifesite News] LIVERPOOL, England, September 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Amid the rapidly spreading contagion of child transgenderism, a U.K. mom now proudly claims that her child “became the youngest trans toddler … at just three years of age.”

The boy’s mother, Jeneen Schofield, said her young son “sensed” he should be living as a girl while still a toddler.

Beginning at just three years of age, her son reportedly kept making the same Christmas and birthday wish: “I want to be a girl,” according to The Mirror.

The boy’s mom now refers to him as a girl, using the pronouns “she” and “her,” as does the U.K. Mirror. The report continues:

And last year, at the age of seven, her wish came true when her name was officially changed by deed poll — to Luna.

She started wearing a skirt to school and got a new passport too as one of Britain’s youngest transgender children.

Today her proud mum opens her heart on the life-changing events and defies critics who believe her decision to let Luna choose her gender was premature.

NHS worker Jeneen, 37, tells of the moment Luna, now eight, was “set free” and talks of her “grieving process” as she let her little boy go.

The mum says: “Luna was asking when she could be a girl soon after her third birthday. I brushed it off as a phase and told her to stop being silly.

“But she kept asking. My family felt she was too young to make the decision to be a girl, but I didn’t want to tell her how she felt and knew this wasn’t going away.”

Now age eight, the boy is “socially transitioning” — a precursor to more radical treatments, often involving “puberty-blockers,” hormone treatments, and genital-mutilating surgeries.

This “trans toddler’s” story is part of an alarming trend in England.

In the last year, the number of children exhibiting gender dysphoria has doubled, and over 2,500 kids were referred to the nation’s sole — now overwhelemed — gender identity “clinic” serving “transgender” and “non-binary” youth.

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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Doug Mainwaring and first published at Lifesite News]