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Michael Brown is An Apologist for the Devil

Michael Brown is a popular ‘Christian’ apologist who is right on some issues, but damnably wrong on others. But more than anything, Michael Brown is an apologist for the worst and most extreme occultism of hyper-charismania. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll see that Michael Brown is an apologist for the devil. Most recently, Michael … Read more

Explosive Growth at Pulpit & Pen, and How You Can Help

Pulpit & Pen, praise be to God, is making a difference in the world of theology and worldviews, and has grown beyond our wildest imaginations. We push up against (or exceed) a million readers every single month. Our U.S. Alexa rank is—as of this afternoon—10,808. By the way, you can add the Alexa chrome extension … Read more

Bizarre Turn: Steven Anderson Now Embraces Calvinists

Earlier today, we discovered that arch-Calvinist, Mark Driscoll, recently said that the “Calvinism is garbage.” And now, we discover that arch-anti-Calvinist, Steven Anderson, embraces Calvinists as Christian brothers-in-Christ. It’s a crazy world we live in, and the theological poles seem to be shifting. Anderson, the fiery Independent Fundamental Baptist preacher who we’ve written about here … Read more

The Genetic Fallacy: Critical Race Theory’s Indispensable Tool [Pt.1]

§ I. Whose Fallacy is it Anyway? Whereas proponents of Critical Race Theory (hereafter, CRT) once claimed that “social justice contras”1 were ignorantly protesting CRT, they are now claiming that our criticisms are fallacious forms of genetic reasoning.2Given that this latter accusation is a tacit admission that we are not ignorant of CRT, it follows that CRT … Read more

The SEBTS Files: Detailed Proof that Critical Theory Has Taken Over Seminary

If you want to know what it looks like for avowed Marxists, globalists, political idealogues, and their dark money to take over a once-conservative seminary in the name of Social Justice, look no further than South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forrest, North Carolina. The SBC institution is the epicenter of the ‘woke’ movement … Read more

Southern Baptist Professor Drafts Resolution to Protect Whistle-Blowers

The Southern Baptist Convention is the nation’s largest (but quickly shrinking) Protestant denomination and is comprised of seven independent entities and six seminaries that have little accountability to the local churches who fund them. Often times, critics and whistle-blowers are forced to speak out because there is a lack of capacity in the SBC trustee … Read more

Southwest Baptist Alumni Disagree with ‘Official’ Report, Believe Faculty IS Heretical

In December, P&P reported that Southwest Baptist University, a Southern Baptist and Missouri Baptist Convention-affiliated school located in Bolivar, Missouri, had fired a professor for objecting to heresy. Clint Bass had been asked by officials in the Missouri Baptist Convention to research and report the theological leanings of fellow faculty because there were many reports … Read more

Who’s the Boss? Alyssa Milano Urges Film Industry Boycott of Georgia Over Abortion Bill

The State of Georgia is poised to enact one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws. House Bill 481, which Governor Brian Kemp is expected to sign if it passes, would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.* The proposed law has not only raised the ire of Georgia Democrats but at least … Read more

After MacDonald Implosion, Harvest Bible Chapel Members Demand Tithe Refund

James MacDonald taught frequently about financial giving and promised that God would return a financial reward. As the Elephant’s Debt exposed the amount of debt and financial waste at MacDonald’s church and others blew the whistle on MacDonald’s extravagant lifestyle, it now makes more sense. Certain Harvest Bible Chapel members, however, are demanding a refund … Read more

LGBT+ Rebellion Spreads in the Presbyterian Church of America

[Thirty Pieces of Silver] On Sunday January 27th 2019, the spread of the the controversial Revoice conference movement “promoting LGBT+ flourishing ” in the PCA was confirmed. Grace Church Seattle (PCA) proudly announced it was hosting  Revoice founder Nate Collins and Vice President Stephen Moss in its Sunday services. “Revoice VisitJanuary 25-27th 2019The weekend of … Read more

Southwest Baptist University Fires Prof For Objecting to Heresy

[Bolivar, Missouri] What would you do if you discovered that a number of professor at your institution were teaching damnable heresies, like annihilationism, inclusivism, and a purgatorial view of the afterlife? If you’re Eric Turner, president of Southwestern Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri, you fire the whistleblower for speaking out about the heresy to sweep … Read more

Students Stage Protest After Teacher Fired for Correctly Identifying Student’s Gender

[Lifesite News] WEST POINT, Virginia, December 10, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A large group of students walked out of their classes Friday to protest the firing of a teacher who refused to refer to a female gender-confused student as male. The West Point, Virginia school board’s unanimous vote to terminate high school French instructor Peter Vlaming proved to … Read more