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10 Things You Should Know About Noah


Are you familiar with Noah and his story in the Bible? Have you heard about the ark? Also, do you know the first-ever global flood that happened during his time? Perhaps, you know some of these from Bible trivia. However, there are ten other interesting facts you probably don’t know yet. Let’s find out. Who … Read more

The Report is Out! Ravi Zacharias Was Sexting Up Until His Death + Decades of Sexual Abuse

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. Luke 8:17 Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) has released the much-anticipated report investigating allegations of sexual deviancy against the late Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias, and the results are devastating. In the 12-page report, investigative firm Miller … Read more

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic. Album Fourteen

The fourteenth album in an on-going series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With few churches gathering in-person in these dark times, these are the few congregations who are. For previous albums: Album #1  Album #2  Album #3 Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13 These … Read more

J.D. Hall Rips ‘The Passion of the Christ’ Sequel In Newsweek Interview

The Passion Of The Christ has a sequel on the way, and Newsweek Chief Correspondent Paul Bond reached out to our publisher, J.D. Hall, to get his perspective. In an article titled Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ sequel could alienate evangelicals, Bond gives the history of the 2004 international blockbuster, describes how the director … Read more

Michael Brown’s Wolfish Wager Over Charismatic COVID-19 Prophecies

Michael Brown, chief enabler of all that is theologically weird and always eager to platform, promote, and advance every crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can charismatic leader not named Todd Bentley, has shared some thoughts with us regarding coronavirus prophecies. Titled This is a Great Time to Test Contemporary Prophetic Words, the purpose of the post is to say that … Read more

Health-and-Wealth Pastor, Carl Lentz, Has Coronavirus

We’ve written about Carl Lentz many times. He is the pastor of Hillsong New York, large, seeker-friendly non-confrontational church that has compromised on many, many issues, from knowingly allowing an openly gay choir director, to allowing one of his associate pastors to pose as an obscene character, the Naked Cowboy, at a women’s conference , to when … Read more

Pastor Charged with Running Underaged Sex Ring

A pastor was just arrested by the Cuyahoga Regional Human Trafficking Task Force for underaged sex trafficking. Randolph Brown (64) is the pastor at Inner-City Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland and he was arrested for two counts of “compelling prostitution” during August of 2018. The apparent “madam” of the sex-ring was Joyce Richmond (20) was also arrested (below). … Read more

Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay, and Occultic Scholar

Whenever one mentions the topic of homosexuality around conservative Christians, he or she is usually met with “Have you listened to Rosaria Butterfield? She is holding the line on these issues.” Not being one who relishes an argument, I often sigh inwardly to encounter these comments. I get it. I followed Butterfield as a fan … Read more

New Video Shows Mohler’s Provost Teaching Critical Race Theory (AGAIN)

Albert Mohler’s conservatism is reduced to soundbites on his radio program and rhetoric in his writing. His behavior demonstrates without plausible refutation that not only is Albert Mohler a double-minded man (James 1:8) he is a double-agent working on behalf of progressive liberalism in the Southern Baptist Convention. Mohler promised conservative pastors in a closed-door … Read more

In Awe of the True Triune God

God is one, and yet mysteriously, He is three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The second person of the Trinity, Christ the Son, has come into this world to redeem lost souls. It is well known that Christ assumed a human body and personality to become both God and man in … Read more

Arkansas News Station Misgenders Sex Offender. Here, We Fixed It.

When journalists report the news, they should do so accurately without any sway or pressure from outside forces like political correctness, popular consensus, or bizarre appeasement to those with debilitating mental disorders. An Arkansas news site has embarrassingly misgendered this man as a woman throughout their article. You can tell that he’s a man because…he’s … Read more

No, Benny Hinn Has Not Repented

[The Midwestern Baptist] A video was posted yesterday in which Benny Hinn—the famed prosperity preacher and faith healing hack—seemingly repents of his prosperity preaching. In the video (which you can view here), Hinn says the following:  “I will tell you now something that I think is going to shock you. I think it’s an offense to … Read more