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Dinosaurs and Danny Akin

You see this awesome dinosaur display? That’s from the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum in Glendive, Montana. This happens to be the next town up the highway from me with a stoplight – only about 50 miles away. Glendive is a nice community and, like my own, is nestled on the banks of the Yellowstone … Read more

The Cooperative Program and the Road to Serfdom by G. Seth Dunn, MAcc, CPA

PREFACE  I’m a Baptist of Baptists.  I wasn’t baby-dedicated at my church on the 8th day, but it was done within a few weeks.  I grew up in a Southern Baptist church in a family that faithfully gave.  As a carefree middle-class youth, I never knew how much was given but it made an impression … Read more

Three Reasons I’m Encouraged by American Evangelicalism

Psalm 135:6 [ESV]  Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. [dropcap]W[/dropcap]e live in a time where it seems as though American Evangelicalism is purposely doing whatever it can to undermine the authority of scripture and the sovereignty of God.  Seeker-sensitive mega churches and their pastors are … Read more

Ben Carson, the IRS, and an Implicit Rebuke of David Uth and First Baptist Orlando

“I think the decision to disinvite (Ben Carson from the SBC Pastors Conference) is sad and more importantly wrong.” David Uth “The point about the Carson controversy is not what individual evangelicals choose to do in the voting booth. It is that events like the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference need to be campaign-free zones. We’ve … Read more

Reactions to Theonomy: A Collaborative Post

As I write this, I’m tempted to say “this is my last word on theonomy and theonomists,” because as JD Hall​ rightly stated on our program, “Theonomy is a distraction.”  Anyone who listens to Bible Thumping Wingnut and doesn’t live under a rock knows what a distraction it has been to us, and many of you … Read more

Celebrities Mock Christ in Peddling the Heresy of Pantheism

 **** Note: This article was originally posted at, by Landon Chapman, and is being reposted here with permission. Hebrews 11:3 [ESV] “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” On the heels of Jeff’s … Read more

Why ‘Racial Justice’ is NOT a Gospel Demand

The proponents of racial reconciliation within the Church, especially the Southern Baptist Church, continue to propagate this idea that we need to set aside our differences and reconcile our racial divide. Racial tensions in the US are mostly a fabrication of mainstream media anyways, and aren’t nearly as bad as they would have you believe. … Read more

Southern Baptist Minister Embraces Homosexuality, Calls God “Queer”

Jeff Hood, graduate of Southern Seminary and self-pronounced “Southern Baptist Pastor” recently spoke at the Cathedral of Hope and delivered this message, entitled “Embracing the Power of the Queer.” Notable comments from Hood in this message include: – Were Adam and Eve real people? Who gives a #@$@. – The power of the queer … Read more

More DOWNGRADE at Floyd’s Cross Church

God’s called deserve the best preparation for ministry for God’s people that is available. – Jeff Crawford, President of Cross Church School of Ministry and Teaching Pastor [vimeo] Through a series of “powerful messages,” God began to move in a “mighty way” in 2012 as Ronnie Floyd’s “vision” for the Cross Church School of … Read more

Was Jesus An Illegal Immigrant?

Yesterday evening Democrats in the U.S. Senate pushed through a budget bill to the disappointment of some Republicans.  The bill according to The Daily Caller included a loophole that would allow illegal immigrants to acquire welfare benefits. The bill also imposes cuts on retired military members’ pensions.   Sen. Jeff Session(Alabama Republican) along with other Republicans … Read more

Cancelling Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg is one of the most well-respected preachers in all of evangelicalism. His Truth For Life radio and media ministry reaches thousands of listeners every day. He has been the pastor of Parkside Church since 1983. Even those who don’t know his name are probably familiar with his powerful “Man on the Middle Cross” … Read more

Willie McLaurin: Latest SBC Phony

Last week, news broke that interim CEO of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, Willie McLaurin, had resigned. The reason? He fabricated his educational credentials. Willie McLaurin rose to the highest executive office in the largest protestant denomination** in the United States with a fake resume. Not only that, he worked for fifteen … Read more