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SBC Boyce College Prof Says Roman Catholic, Rubio, Saved

It’s become very apparent in recent months that the Evangelical Intelligentsia (EI) has chosen their candidate in the 2015 Republican primary, and it’s not an evangelical. We wrote about this earlier in the week in a previous post. There are a number of reasons why the EI does not care for the most conservative evangelical … Read more

SBC Speaker Affirms Prophetess Cindy Jacob’s “Prophetic Ministry”

If you don’t know who Cindy Jacobs is, you don’t listen to Fighting for the Faith. Weekly, sometimes daily, Chris Rosebrough plays clip after clip of the bizarre, outlandish prophesies of this woman, each one more astoundingly insane and (provenly) wrong than the next. For anyone in orthodox Christianity, Cindy Jacobs – like William Tapley … Read more

David Jeremiah, Charismatics, Rabbi, Anoint Donald Trump

  An odd mishmash of religious folk gathered together in a steaming pile of ecumenical syncretism to anoint Donald Trump in prayer and blessings – a guy who doesn’t know if he “has ever asked God for forgiveness.” This is a real #facepalm moment for American evangelicalism. David Jeremiah – Southern Baptist Robert Jeffress – Southern … Read more

What is “Law” in America? A Response to “Turretin Fan”

I’m more annoyed at myself than anyone else, really. There’s no decent reason to be giving an anonymous-pseudonymous social media account the time of day, let alone using a few minutes of my hunting-day to provide a defense to the incessant goading and belligerence by one known as “Turretin Fan.” Most anonymous-pseudonymous social media accounts are … Read more

Huckabee, Southern Baptist, Calls Pope “His Holiness” #StillProtesting

Is the Pope really the AntiChrist? In at least one way or another, yes. Argue all you want (out in the hallway, away from me, preferably where I can’t hear you) about the eschatological antichrist and what burrow of New York he may come from or what his favorite color will be, but for our … Read more

Ben Carson Advocates for Abortion Drug, Says He’s Not Sure About When Life Begins

Remember Dr. Ben Carson, the Seventh Day Adventist that David Uth and other SBC leaders pushed so hard for to speak at the 2015 Convention? You know, the one that those pesky “Calvinistic” bloggers “bullied” Willy Rice into dropping from the line-up? Uth, a convention leader and speaker said this, I was hopeful that our … Read more

GOP Politicians Invited to Speak at NAMB Missions Conference Dave Miller at SBC voices, among other sources, has reported that GOP political candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush will be speaking at the upcoming North America Mission Board “SEND North America Missions Conference”.  The invitation of the political candidates to the missions conference, especially in the wake of the recent controversy over the invitation extended to politician Ben Carson … Read more

Should Southern Baptists Give to NAMB’s Church Fire Fund?

In light of recent unfortunate happenings in predominately black churches, the North American Mission Board, an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, has set up a Church Fire Fund to help rebuild African American churches that have been burned down. Their website states: The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has established a fund to help African-American … Read more

Should We Celebrate Independence Day? Viva La Resistance!

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six representatives from the British colonies in America signed the Declaration of Independence. With their signatures, the British colonies in America became the United States of America. The document they signed said the following… When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which … Read more

David Uth and Lifeway promoting more "experiential" heresy at the SBC

David Uth interviewed Rifqa Bary, author of Hiding in the LIght, during his speech at the Southern Baptist Convention earlier today. Bary is an ex-muslim who claims she came to Christ through an experiential event of a “presence” she had as a child in a garden, who she then found out to be Jesus when she felt the same “presence” in a church later in life.